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How to Avoid Floor Damage Due to Chair Movement

3 minutes
As the years pass it often becomes obvious that the floors of your home are wearing down because of chair movement. Here we’ll explain how to prevent these scrapes and look for solutions.
How to Avoid Floor Damage Due to Chair Movement
Last update: 12 January, 2021

Over the years, one of the biggest problems we face in our homes is the deterioration of interiors. Continuous use can cause severe damage, especially to the weakest materials. Given this, here we’re going to talk about how to avoid floor damage due to friction from chair legs.

You can get an idea of the state of your floor simply by taking a look and checking out its condition. In the office, the bedroom, the dining room, or in the living room you’ll no doubt notice certain marks that correlate with how much the room is used.

If you’re not careful, you can end up with a more serious problem with no solution, to such an extent that there’s no choice but to make a radical change. Why not put some measures in place before the situation reaches this point?

The most important thing – quality materials

Some figure
When building a house, you have two options: use good or poor quality materials. Obviously, choosing the first option means paying more, as opposed to the second which keeps costs down; however, in the long term, the benefits are clear.

You must know how the floors were made and what materials were used. By doing this you can achieve a certain degree of reliability and safety. Additionally, you’ll see how quickly surfaces can be damaged.

Wood is probably the material that suffers most in these cases. It’s nothing like stone or ceramic; in general, it’s  attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Nonetheless, if you don’t take care of it, you can find all kinds of damage even in the short term, and eventually you’ll be forced to carry out a restoration.

How can you avoid floor damage?

It’s worth carefully analyzing the main mistakes people make and what causes the wear which leaves irreversible marks in the long term. In order not to make mistakes in decoration, you should understand these mistakes:

  • The legs of dining room chairs are usually dragged a lot.  Likewise those in the kitchen or any other shared room. This can cause long scratches that make cracks and holes.
  • In the case of office chairs with wheels, they don’t cause such noticeable damage, but they nonetheless produce marks that can be a serious problem. When you continuously move about on them you’ll notice that the floor shows signs of wear.
  • As for folding chairs, those that move from one place to another; these are usually lighter but still generate friction on the surface which do it no good it all. Such friction can cause bumps or make the surface uneven.

In addition, it’s important to remember that any other type of movement or aggressive treatment of the floor will be detrimental no matter how you look at it. In the end, all of this causes deterioration in the long term.

Solutions to avoid floor damage

More specifically, you need to focus on certain resources that can reduce the risk of damage. Some solutions will help prevent more serious problems with prolonged use.

For example, you can put felt pads on the legs of wooden chairs so that they don’t scratch the floor. We often move unconsciously on them and this can lead to a deterioration of the floor; by taking this precaution, you’re helping to protect the materials.

Another possible solution is to lay rugs under tables and chairs. The resistance they offer forces you, when you move your chair, to lift it first and not to drag it.

Solutions for metal chairs

In school classrooms, clinics, offices and other shared public spaces, chairs are usually used and moved an awful lot. Often, they are made of metal, a material which can be much more destructive to the floor.

Even if the floors are ceramic, stone or marble, chairs must be equipped with rubber pads or end caps on the legs to avoid damage. These can be found in DIY stores or hardware stores.

Not only does this help maintain the condition of the floors, it also puts an end to the unpleasant scraping sound of dragging chairs.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Jiménez España, Estla del Carmen: Limpieza, tratamiento y mantenimiento de suelos, paredes y techos en edificios y locales, Madrid, Elearning, 2014.