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Fittonia Plant: Characteristics and Care

4 minutes
Taking care of the fittonia plant is simple, but it requires your attention to provide it with everything it needs. Find out more here.
Fittonia Plant: Characteristics and Care
Last update: 22 April, 2023

The fittonia plant is beautiful and it becomes the star in any place it shines. It’s believed to attract good luck and positive energy too. However, beyond these notable characteristics, it must also be said that its colors and shape are captivating.

On this note, we’ll explain its main characteristics and the care that you must provide in order for it to remain healthy. Regular watering is very important to this plant and we’ll explain more about this below.

Why is the fittonia plant also called the nerve plant or mosaic plant?

Often referred to as the nerve plant or mosaic plant, the fittonia plant has green or red leaves with noticeable veins. These veins look like nerves or mosaics and are found in white, red, or pink. Later we’ll talk about its care, but first, you must know that this beautiful tropical plant keeps the color of its veins alive, even if it doesn’t get the light it needs.

In its natural environment, it’s native to the forests in South America, which are tropical and humid.

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The fittonia plant consists of striking colors and is ideal for any room in the home.

Captivating features

The fittonia plant belongs to the Acanthaceae family and although it’s a flowering plant, its greatest attraction is its leaves. This is because the flowers are tiny and grow in a spike that’s hardly noticeable. Of course, it’s important to make you aware that the chances of this plant blooming indoors are minimal.

It’s popular because it’s a small plant, so you can use it to decorate even the smallest of homes. In popular culture, the fittonia plant is believed to attract good luck, so many people place it in a pot near the main door of the home.

However, to encourage growth and ensure it’s healthy, you should put it in a place where it can enjoy the conditions it needs.

Fittonia plant: care

The fittonia plant is a perennial that reproduces very quickly in its natural state, where it receives indirect sunlight and where it can drink the water it needs. Similar conditions should be imitated and provided at home.

This plant likes to climb, so it’s ideal for pots or hanging baskets. Another thing that you’ll appreciate is that its roots aren’t deep, so it doesn’t require a large pot.

Light and temperature

Fittonia plants love light, but not direct sunlight. If you place it in direct sunlight, the leaves will burn, so it’s better to put it next to a shady window or in a room with dim light.

As for the temperature, the average home environment is ideal. However, it doesn’t like temperatures below 64 degrees Fahrenheit as it tends to wither. Don’t forget, this plant is native to the tropics!

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The light that your fittonia plant receives should be indirect. This will ensure its leaves won’t burn.

Fittonia plant: irrigation

Many people call this plant the drama queen because it wilts when it doesn’t have enough water. However, as soon as you do water the plant, any withering is quickly revived.

Although, it’s risky to not water this plant regularly because it can become stressed and may not revive itself fully. As such, establish a regular schedule for irrigation to ensure the substrate doesn’t dry out and to avoid withering.

Another thing to keep in mind is because it comes from tropical forests, this little plant likes to feel the dew. So don’t forget to spray its leaves with water from time to time to keep it happy and healthy.

Fittonia plant: propagation

As is well documented, the fittonia plant is easy to reproduce and you can do this by cutting or by dividing the plant itself. So, when yours starts to grow, cut some of the stems to include the knot and a few leaves.

To cultivate it, you can plant this cutting in the same pot and close to the mother plant. You’ll soon see how quickly it develops and you can either transplant it to another pot or leave it where it is, to make it look leafier.

Now you know how to take care of your fittonia plant!

As you’ve learned, this beautiful plant has some basic but important care needs. For this reason, beginners need to remember to water it regularly. An added tip is to set an alarm on your calendar to remind you.

The fittonia plant is beautiful and it becomes the star in any place it shines. It’s believed to attract good luck and positive energy too. However, beyond these notable characteristics, it must also be said that its colors and shape are captivating.

On this note, we’ll explain its main characteristics and the care that you must provide in order for it to remain healthy. Regular watering is very important to this plant and we’ll explain more about this below.

Why is the fittonia plant also called the nerve plant or mosaic plant?

Often referred to as the nerve plant or mosaic plant, the fittonia plant has green or red leaves with noticeable veins. These veins look like nerves or mosaics and are found in white, red, or pink. Later we’ll talk about its care, but first, you must know that this beautiful tropical plant keeps the color of its veins alive, even if it doesn’t get the light it needs.

In its natural environment, it’s native to the forests in South America, which are tropical and humid.

Some figure
The fittonia plant consists of striking colors and is ideal for any room in the home.

Captivating features

The fittonia plant belongs to the Acanthaceae family and although it’s a flowering plant, its greatest attraction is its leaves. This is because the flowers are tiny and grow in a spike that’s hardly noticeable. Of course, it’s important to make you aware that the chances of this plant blooming indoors are minimal.

It’s popular because it’s a small plant, so you can use it to decorate even the smallest of homes. In popular culture, the fittonia plant is believed to attract good luck, so many people place it in a pot near the main door of the home.

However, to encourage growth and ensure it’s healthy, you should put it in a place where it can enjoy the conditions it needs.

Fittonia plant: care

The fittonia plant is a perennial that reproduces very quickly in its natural state, where it receives indirect sunlight and where it can drink the water it needs. Similar conditions should be imitated and provided at home.

This plant likes to climb, so it’s ideal for pots or hanging baskets. Another thing that you’ll appreciate is that its roots aren’t deep, so it doesn’t require a large pot.

Light and temperature

Fittonia plants love light, but not direct sunlight. If you place it in direct sunlight, the leaves will burn, so it’s better to put it next to a shady window or in a room with dim light.

As for the temperature, the average home environment is ideal. However, it doesn’t like temperatures below 64 degrees Fahrenheit as it tends to wither. Don’t forget, this plant is native to the tropics!

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The light that your fittonia plant receives should be indirect. This will ensure its leaves won’t burn.

Fittonia plant: irrigation

Many people call this plant the drama queen because it wilts when it doesn’t have enough water. However, as soon as you do water the plant, any withering is quickly revived.

Although, it’s risky to not water this plant regularly because it can become stressed and may not revive itself fully. As such, establish a regular schedule for irrigation to ensure the substrate doesn’t dry out and to avoid withering.

Another thing to keep in mind is because it comes from tropical forests, this little plant likes to feel the dew. So don’t forget to spray its leaves with water from time to time to keep it happy and healthy.

Fittonia plant: propagation

As is well documented, the fittonia plant is easy to reproduce and you can do this by cutting or by dividing the plant itself. So, when yours starts to grow, cut some of the stems to include the knot and a few leaves.

To cultivate it, you can plant this cutting in the same pot and close to the mother plant. You’ll soon see how quickly it develops and you can either transplant it to another pot or leave it where it is, to make it look leafier.

Now you know how to take care of your fittonia plant!

As you’ve learned, this beautiful plant has some basic but important care needs. For this reason, beginners need to remember to water it regularly. An added tip is to set an alarm on your calendar to remind you.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Sánchez, J. (2017). El género fittonia Coem. (Acanthaceae) en España. Árboles ornamentales.