Feng Shui: Lucky Plants for Your Home

As you’ve probably already heard, Feng Shui promotes the use of certain elements to achieve good fortune and energy balance. This also includes having lucky plants both inside and outside of your home.
Although plants are living organisms, they also act as ornamental elements. So, above all, it’s important to choose the ones that you like the most, rather than just opt for lucky plants. However, if you’re interested in Feng Shui, keep reading as we’re going to share our list of lucky plants. These bring good vibes and symbolize abundance, wealth, and positivity.
Feng Shui and lucky plants
According to Feng Shui, plants with a positive connotation include those with and without flowers. Some are aromatic and some even have health properties. Keep reading to discover what they are!

The cactus is a plant that’s considered to be lucky because, according to Feng Shui, it has the ability to absorb any bad energies that surround the home. For greater effectiveness, it can be located at the entrance of your home or in the kitchen, since they’re strategic places where people and guests will pass.
According to Feng Shui, rosemary is one of the best plants for your home as it protects against bad energy. It’s advisable to grow this plant on the east side, so it attracts good energy, improves memory and mood, and reduces fatigue.
According to articles, rosemary also has medicinal properties. It’s often used to stimulate appetite and for treating digestive disorders and flatulence. When you use it as a band-aid on wounds, it can accelerate healing.
This beautiful leafy tree is also a lucky plant for your home. One of the most attributed benefits to bonsai is that it’s said to attract good fortune, wealth, and money. If you want abundance in your life and in your family nucleus, it’s a great option.
Although these beliefs are based on Feng Shui, if you don’t believe in this, you can still have bonsai plants in your home. It’s a beautiful plant and will attract a lot of attention.
Bamboo is on our list of lucky plants as it attracts good fortune. Depending on the species you have, the meaning changes. This is measured by the number of stems each bamboo has. For example, if you have three stems, these represent happiness, health, and long life.
Lucky plants: lavender

Lavender is one of the best-known lucky plants. According to Feng Shui, this plant is a symbol of purity and helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Due to its powerful fragrance, it’s best to put it in rooms where it can benefit you, such as helping you to fall asleep and relax.
Also if you grow lavender in studios, studies, or home offices, it’ll change the atmosphere. Beyond its spiritual connotation, its scent has some incredible and proven properties.
Did you know that peonies are lucky plants for the home? Moreover, its natural beauty reflects good health and harmony and brings luck in love. Practically, this beautiful flowering plant is placed in living rooms or shared spaces to create a pleasant family environment.
It’s highly likely that you already have this plant in your home and that you didn’t know it’s considered lucky. Also known as snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, it helps to channel bad atmospheres. This is why it’s a good idea to place it in your living room.
In addition to this, sansevieria contributes to purifying the air.
Jade: another of the lucky plants
Jade has leaves that are shaped like coins and are positive plants, according to Feng Shui. This plant attracts abundance, money, and prosperity, which is why it’s commonly placed in offices or in commercial businesses.
Where should you place your lucky plants?
Feng Shui recommends that lucky plants are given a specific place in the home to fulfill their functions. The ideal scenario is to have them inside your home since they activate and move energy.
Locate lucky plants at the entrances of your home, next to your windows, and in your living room and bedrooms. Of course, you should make your decision on where to place them according to the species you have and the size of the plant. However, in general, these are the ideal spaces to grow them.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Vademécum colombiano de plantas medicinales. Ministerio de la Protección Social. 2008.
- D. Manuel Marqués. Composición química de los aceites esenciales de Lavanda y Tomillo. Determinación de la actividad antifúngica. Universitar Politécnica de Valencia. 2015.