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Discover Ottoman Poufs - Types and Uses

4 minutes
Ottoman poufs are a fantastic complement for any couch or armchair. These elements take on a decorative role within our interiors, and help to create a sense of comfort and well-being.
Discover Ottoman Poufs - Types and Uses
Last update: 17 September, 2020

Comfort is something every home needs, especially when it comes to furniture. So, today, we want to take a look at the different types of ottoman poufs on the market, and how you can use them in your home.

Most of us tend to take a more traditional approach to furnishing our homes. This is because our tastes have been shaped by the store windows and decorating magazines we’ve seen throughout our entire lives. Though you might not even realize it, they have a huge influence on the decisions we make, swaying us toward styles and designs that we view as socially acceptable.

While ottoman poufs are novel and practical home elements, they often tend to be overlooked. It’s important to analyze their characteristics carefully so that you can decide how best to incorporate them into your home, and gain a greater understanding of the aesthetic impact they’ll have on your space.

What are ottoman poufs?

Some figure

Ottoman poufs are small seats and can be square, oval, or spherical. Generally speaking, they usually measure around 10 inches in height, 23-31 inches in width, and weigh around 3 lbs, depending on the material.

There are so many different options when it comes to using these poufs in your home. They’re an interesting way to incorporate a subtle new element into your space, and add a sense of originality and sophistication to living rooms and bedrooms.

They can also be a great complement to your couch or armchairs. By incorporating these additional elements, you’ll be able to add the perfect finishing touch to your seating arrangement and accentuate the overall look and style of your living room. What’s more, they can also serve as a handy footrest.

If you want to bring a touch of originality to your decor, ottoman poufs are a great option.

Types and materials

Some figure

To help you decide which ottoman pouf is right for your home, you need to find out a bit more about the different styles and designs on the market. Try to look for one that best suits your needs and the style of your space, whether for the living room, bedroom, or lounge room.

Some stores even sell poufs inspired by traditional designs from around the world. In this next section, we’ll take a look at some of the most common styles:

1. Oval ottoman poufs are probably one of the best-known varieties. Although they can be found in a wide range of different materials, jute has become increasingly popular in recent years. Highly durable and super-resistant, these ottomans can withstand the test of time, and their natural tones help to create a relaxed and charming atmosphere.

2. In many respects, leather ottoman poufs are often very similar to these oval designs, although they’re usually softer, both in texture and their external appearance. They have a formal and genuine feel to them, and often feature abstract or geometric prints.

3. Velvet poufs are another popular option. They come in a wide range of different colors and often are in the shape of a cube or cylinder. The huge selection of designs on offer means you can choose the one that best suits you and your home.

4. If you like natural materials, you can also find ottoman poufs made from braided paper. The paper is woven around an internal frame, giving it a strong, firm structure. These poufs are a great way to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your space.

Ottoman poufs and footstools

Some figure

Ottoman poufs often perform a very different decorative function depending on where you choose to place them. In bedrooms, for example, they’re often more decorative than they are functional. In many cases, they’re not used for their intended purpose, but help to add a new aesthetic dimension to the room as a whole.

Therefore, poufs generally work best in living rooms. While they still contribute to the overall style and look of the room, they can also serve as a footrest or seat.

In living rooms, poufs can help to enhance that sense of warmth and comfort and can be chosen to complement your couch. Their unique shape also means that they will instantly stand out, setting them apart from other elements in the room.

At the end of a long day, there’s nothing better than coming home, stretching out on the couch, and putting your feet up.

Where to buy?

Home decorating and furniture stores generally offer a smaller range of poufs than you’ll find online. It’s there that you’re most likely to find the styles and designs you’ll love, at very competitive prices.

Be sure to shop around a bit before you buy, and check out all the different options on the market. This is super a convenient, safe, and easy way to shop, Many companies will even deliver your pouf right to your door. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you’ll have the option of returning or exchanging it for a different model.

Comfort is something every home needs, especially when it comes to furniture. So, today, we want to take a look at the different types of ottoman poufs on the market, and how you can use them in your home.

Most of us tend to take a more traditional approach to furnishing our homes. This is because our tastes have been shaped by the store windows and decorating magazines we’ve seen throughout our entire lives. Though you might not even realize it, they have a huge influence on the decisions we make, swaying us toward styles and designs that we view as socially acceptable.

While ottoman poufs are novel and practical home elements, they often tend to be overlooked. It’s important to analyze their characteristics carefully so that you can decide how best to incorporate them into your home, and gain a greater understanding of the aesthetic impact they’ll have on your space.

What are ottoman poufs?

Some figure

Ottoman poufs are small seats and can be square, oval, or spherical. Generally speaking, they usually measure around 10 inches in height, 23-31 inches in width, and weigh around 3 lbs, depending on the material.

There are so many different options when it comes to using these poufs in your home. They’re an interesting way to incorporate a subtle new element into your space, and add a sense of originality and sophistication to living rooms and bedrooms.

They can also be a great complement to your couch or armchairs. By incorporating these additional elements, you’ll be able to add the perfect finishing touch to your seating arrangement and accentuate the overall look and style of your living room. What’s more, they can also serve as a handy footrest.

If you want to bring a touch of originality to your decor, ottoman poufs are a great option.

Types and materials

Some figure

To help you decide which ottoman pouf is right for your home, you need to find out a bit more about the different styles and designs on the market. Try to look for one that best suits your needs and the style of your space, whether for the living room, bedroom, or lounge room.

Some stores even sell poufs inspired by traditional designs from around the world. In this next section, we’ll take a look at some of the most common styles:

1. Oval ottoman poufs are probably one of the best-known varieties. Although they can be found in a wide range of different materials, jute has become increasingly popular in recent years. Highly durable and super-resistant, these ottomans can withstand the test of time, and their natural tones help to create a relaxed and charming atmosphere.

2. In many respects, leather ottoman poufs are often very similar to these oval designs, although they’re usually softer, both in texture and their external appearance. They have a formal and genuine feel to them, and often feature abstract or geometric prints.

3. Velvet poufs are another popular option. They come in a wide range of different colors and often are in the shape of a cube or cylinder. The huge selection of designs on offer means you can choose the one that best suits you and your home.

4. If you like natural materials, you can also find ottoman poufs made from braided paper. The paper is woven around an internal frame, giving it a strong, firm structure. These poufs are a great way to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your space.

Ottoman poufs and footstools

Some figure

Ottoman poufs often perform a very different decorative function depending on where you choose to place them. In bedrooms, for example, they’re often more decorative than they are functional. In many cases, they’re not used for their intended purpose, but help to add a new aesthetic dimension to the room as a whole.

Therefore, poufs generally work best in living rooms. While they still contribute to the overall style and look of the room, they can also serve as a footrest or seat.

In living rooms, poufs can help to enhance that sense of warmth and comfort and can be chosen to complement your couch. Their unique shape also means that they will instantly stand out, setting them apart from other elements in the room.

At the end of a long day, there’s nothing better than coming home, stretching out on the couch, and putting your feet up.

Where to buy?

Home decorating and furniture stores generally offer a smaller range of poufs than you’ll find online. It’s there that you’re most likely to find the styles and designs you’ll love, at very competitive prices.

Be sure to shop around a bit before you buy, and check out all the different options on the market. This is super a convenient, safe, and easy way to shop, Many companies will even deliver your pouf right to your door. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you’ll have the option of returning or exchanging it for a different model.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Parodi, Aníbal: Puertas adentro: interioridad y espacio doméstico en el siglo XX, Barcelona, UPC, 2005.