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Clean your Rug without Moving It

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Think that you have to pick up your rug in order to clean it properly? Think again! You can use natural or store-bought cleaning products to clean them efficiently.
Clean your Rug without Moving It
Last update: 23 February, 2019

If you have a rug laid out in a room, such as a bedroom or living room, cleaning it can be a tedious task. This is especially true when you have one that’s too big or heavy to move. But don’t worry, in today’s post, we’ll show you how to clean your rug without having to move it.

Efficient cleaning tips for your rug

Keeping your rug clean is extremely important for various reasons. First off, dirty rugs don´t look good.

Secondly, we have to mention the health factor: a dirty rug accumulates allergens and dust. That could translate into allergies or respiratory problems for you and your family. Read over our cleaning tips for rugs:

1. Vacuum

It’s a boring chore but it’s essential to keep your home clean. If you have pets, we recommend vacuuming twice a week.

Before vacuuming your rug, makes sure that nothing is on it like toys or coins. Check under your furniture and couch, too.

Make the most of all the tools that come with your vacuum. One of them is bound to help you clean your rug more efficiently. Don’t forget to vacuum any corners where dust usually accumulates.

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2. Clean regularly

If you drop something and stain the carpet, clean it up right then and there. Removing a fresh stain is easier than an old one.

You’ll need a clean, plain white rag to remove the stain. Avoid patterned ones as they might bleed into the rug. You can also use plain paper towels.

Press the rag onto the stain to absorb the liquid and to remove any residue. Then, use another damp rag to finish the job. We suggest avoiding brushes as they can harm the fibers of your rug.

3. Use a good cleaner

Stores offer dozens of rug cleaners. These detergents or soaps usually come in spray or liquid form for easier use. Read the labels of multi-purpose cleaners carefully because not all of them are suitable for rugs.

Investing in a good rug cleaner is worth it. Rugs are delicate and you shouldn’t use the wrong products.

Before applying the product to your entire rug, we recommend testing a small corner or patch first. Don’t test the product on the stain that you want to remove. As the old saying goes: the cure can be worse than the disease.

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4. Solutions you can find at home

You might not believe it, but the most effective cleaners are often the solutions that you can make at home with everyday ingredients. They’re also the least invasive treatment for your rug. One of the most “famous” solutions is a mixture of:

  • 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide
  • 4 tablespoons of Castile soap
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar
  • Optional: 10 drops of any essential oil of your choice

Mix all the ingredients together and pour them onto your rug. Leave the solution on for 30 minutes. After, remove with a damp rag. Dry the area well with dry cloths or a fan.

You can also mix hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of dishwasher detergent to remove stains (especially wine stains). Apply the mixture to the area and leave it on for more 30 minutes. Then, remove with a rag and warm water.

Cleaning your rug doesn’t have to be a cumbersome task if you keep it well maintained. If you spill something spills on it remember to clean it immediately.