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City Apartments: 3 Most Popular Interior Design Styles

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What's the best style for a city apartment? There are different options - explore them and decide what's best for you.
City Apartments: 3 Most Popular Interior Design Styles
Last update: 01 January, 2021

The environment where people live influences society. That’s why houses have the same style as their location. So, you’re going to learn about the 3 most popular interior city apartment design styles.

Trendy styles and innovative styles influence interior design. Country houses converge with nature, and village houses have rural and country features. The same happens in large cities. That’s why design and location are interrelated concepts.

1. Contemporary style

Some figure

First, we’re going to look at the contemporary style. It’s pretty common in city apartments and is related to the modern style of today’s society.

Its main characteristics are transparency, space, and functionality. The furniture meets the aesthetic goal of providing physical and visual comfort. For example, you can use chaise longue sofas, low tables, refined lines, and shapes.

Also, household appliances are modern, big, and detailed. The same happens with the lighting – it’s warm, simple, and uses floor and roof lamps.

Regarding colors, use mainly neutral colors, combined with other bright colors. The most common colors are grey, white, beige, black, and dark blue.  You can see them in materials such as stone (granite, slate..) and treated wood.

A suitable style for lofts and studios.

2. Minimalist style – a love of straight lines

Some figure

Straight lines are the main features of the minimalist style. Shapes disappear, while functionality becomes the focus, similar to the previous style. Let’s look at some of its main features:

  1. Furniture is simple and practical. There aren’t many precise decorative details and shapes are subtle. As a result, you can appreciate the sofa, tables, chairs, bed, etc.
  2. Surfaces are smooth. The design is simple, with basic structures, right angles, and straight lines. Therefore, they reflect the basic principles of this style.
  3. The minimalist style, as well as the contemporary style, uses neutral colors that connect all the resources.
  4. Geometry becomes relevant. In every decorative element, such as carpets, mirrors, tables, chairs, etc., you can find rectangles, ovals or circles. Undoubtedly, the idea is to create a space that is functional and comfortable to live in.

3. Urban style concept

Some figure

The street is a source of inspiration for interior design that moves away from traditional aesthetic formality. We’re referring to the implementation of a creative approach known as urban style.

For instance, walls, which can be made of different materials such as brick and stone, resemble the exterior structure of buildings. This is a way of breaking with the traditional dynamic of construction.

Also, getting closer to the industrial style, pipes, air ducts and skylights are often left on view.

Other elements to decorate are, for example, motorcycles, modern artwork, sculptures, neon signs, metal tables, ultimate generation electronic devices, etc.

Choose your style

You can use any of these styles for city apartments. Choose the style that suits you best, and use the main elements that characterize it.

To sum up, in the interior design world, designers are trying to break with the classic styles and open new aesthetic horizons to personalized styles.











The environment where people live influences society. That’s why houses have the same style as their location. So, you’re going to learn about the 3 most popular interior city apartment design styles.

Trendy styles and innovative styles influence interior design. Country houses converge with nature, and village houses have rural and country features. The same happens in large cities. That’s why design and location are interrelated concepts.

1. Contemporary style

Some figure

First, we’re going to look at the contemporary style. It’s pretty common in city apartments and is related to the modern style of today’s society.

Its main characteristics are transparency, space, and functionality. The furniture meets the aesthetic goal of providing physical and visual comfort. For example, you can use chaise longue sofas, low tables, refined lines, and shapes.

Also, household appliances are modern, big, and detailed. The same happens with the lighting – it’s warm, simple, and uses floor and roof lamps.

Regarding colors, use mainly neutral colors, combined with other bright colors. The most common colors are grey, white, beige, black, and dark blue.  You can see them in materials such as stone (granite, slate..) and treated wood.

A suitable style for lofts and studios.

2. Minimalist style – a love of straight lines

Some figure

Straight lines are the main features of the minimalist style. Shapes disappear, while functionality becomes the focus, similar to the previous style. Let’s look at some of its main features:

  1. Furniture is simple and practical. There aren’t many precise decorative details and shapes are subtle. As a result, you can appreciate the sofa, tables, chairs, bed, etc.
  2. Surfaces are smooth. The design is simple, with basic structures, right angles, and straight lines. Therefore, they reflect the basic principles of this style.
  3. The minimalist style, as well as the contemporary style, uses neutral colors that connect all the resources.
  4. Geometry becomes relevant. In every decorative element, such as carpets, mirrors, tables, chairs, etc., you can find rectangles, ovals or circles. Undoubtedly, the idea is to create a space that is functional and comfortable to live in.

3. Urban style concept

Some figure

The street is a source of inspiration for interior design that moves away from traditional aesthetic formality. We’re referring to the implementation of a creative approach known as urban style.

For instance, walls, which can be made of different materials such as brick and stone, resemble the exterior structure of buildings. This is a way of breaking with the traditional dynamic of construction.

Also, getting closer to the industrial style, pipes, air ducts and skylights are often left on view.

Other elements to decorate are, for example, motorcycles, modern artwork, sculptures, neon signs, metal tables, ultimate generation electronic devices, etc.

Choose your style

You can use any of these styles for city apartments. Choose the style that suits you best, and use the main elements that characterize it.

To sum up, in the interior design world, designers are trying to break with the classic styles and open new aesthetic horizons to personalized styles.











All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Quan, Diana: El paraíso es tu casa, Barcelona, Penguin Random House, 2017