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Best Paints for the Interior of Your House

3 minutes
If you don't know how to paint your house, read this post! We'll give you all the information you need about the types of paint available on the market.
Best Paints for the Interior of Your House
Last update: 29 December, 2018

In this article, we’ll give you some ideas about the best paints on the market for the interior of your house.

Also, you should consider that the best paints aren’t only functional. In addition, you can use them to give a decorative touch to different rooms.

Often, people think that the most important thing to do is paint walls or ceilings and that’s it. However, you should keep in mind that you’ll need the best paints for each area of the house. You should consider the paint that is appropriate for the characteristics of each.

Think about the areas that are humid or others that are exposed to fumes or vapors. You’ll need to consider the best paints for each situation.

Therefore, we’ll give you some ideas about the best paints for the interior of your house that are currently on the market.

Best paints for the bathroom

In bathrooms, it’s essential to opt for anti-fungal paint. Why? Bathrooms are the room in the house that is exposed to the most humidity and changes in temperature.

Therefore, without proper painting, mold could grow. The best paints for the bathroom take this into consideration.

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You can also consider painting directly on tiles (if there are any). They will look just like new. You have to be careful to clean them carefully before painting. If not, even the best paints won’t work well.

Another option is photocatalytic paint. Some people say this works as an air purifier by eliminating fungi, bacteria, and odors. However, be sure to do your research before using this type of paint.

Best paints for kitchens

In the case of the kitchen, you’ll also need to consider the best paints for the job. Consider that your kitchen accumulates grease, humidity, and smells on a daily basis. Therefore, similar to the bathroom, we also recommend anti-fungal paint.

There are also anti-condensation paints (to prevent moisture stains) or anti-stain paint (if you already have problems with water stains).

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You can also choose to paint walls with a bright finish which means they’ll get less dirty. You’ll be grateful for this when it comes to cleaning.

Another option is catalytic painting, which we already mentioned previously. In your kitchen, there is usually smoke, grease, etc. Some people believe that this paint is also better for the environment.

While it’s true that this is a more expensive option, it may help keep surfaces clean.

Other paints for the interior of your house

In the rest of the rooms of the house, you can first consider washable paints. These are a good solution when it comes to cleaning.

Although these paints are good for any area, we especially recommend them for the walls of a child’s room or play areas. Primarily, this is because these are areas that will probably get the dirtiest. With this type of paint, you just have to wipe the wall with a damp cloth, but without worrying that the paint will bubble.

Another very specific type is hypoallergenic paint or odorless paint. We recommend these for people with allergies or other health problems.

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As you can see, tempera paint is the most common paint for interiors. Another option is acrylic paint, which works as a protective or impermeable layer. Therefore, you can’t use it in areas of the house where there is moisture. Otherwise, it could bubble on the surface.

Finally, you can choose decorative paints, which have a very nice finish that imitates marble or stucco, for example. So, you can make the final look resemble rustic or antique interiors. This could be quite an original option.

In conclusion

First, we hope that these ideas have been useful. Also, remember that you can give them different finishes or textures depending on your tastes. In addition, you can combine colors and create visually balanced compositions.

Although in this article we only focus on interior paints, don’t forget that there are also specific paints for the exterior of your home or for other areas, such as the garage.