Artificial Intelligence Provides Maximum Comfort

Technology has created many different advantages for homes. More and more programmable devices have highly advanced electronic systems. In this article, we’re going to study how artificial intelligence provides us with maximum comfort.
Home appliance brands are trying to computerize tasks to make our lives easier. More and more homes have technological resources that help you on a day-to-day basis and can even keep you company.
Obviously, they’re completely innovative appliances that are progressively being perfected. In fact, it’s also true that they’re a representation of things to come. They pave the way for the future.
Artificial intelligence promoted at the Consumer Electronics Show

One of the events where different home technological proposals converge is the CES (Consumer Electronics Show), an annual trade show held annually in the United States. Some companies such as LG or Samsung showcase their new proposals and present the novelties in the market.
The main goal of this annual trade show is the achievement of personal comfort. The connection of all household devices is the premise that engineers and specialists in the field want to achieve.
Some examples are closets that fold clothes or refrigerators that warn you when your food is about to expire. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that new devices that try to make people’s lives easier will begin to be marketed in the coming years.
Creativity is the axis that supports technology.
Artificial intelligence – home automation or domotics

Modern home automation is a concept that’s becoming increasingly popular in homes. It provides you with absolute control of energy, electricity, security, and cleaning, among other aspects. Here are four of the most popular system nowadays:
- One of the elements that generate more comfort is Google Home. With your voice, you can request your blinds to open or your lights to turn or off or even make a hands-free call. Simple tasks that you can do without getting up from the couch!
- Surveillance cameras that you can install both inside and outside can offer you a live image of your home. There are advanced security systems you can manage with your cell phone that allow you to see your house when you aren’t there.
- On another note, new inventions that help keep your home clean are window cleaning robots. You can activate or deactivate them whenever you want. In fact, you can even schedule them to operate at certain times for continuous maintenance.
- Televisions have also gone to another level. Not only do they offer image quality but voice recognition, recorders, and Internet connection, as if they were computers. In fact, they’re approaching becoming small home cinemas.
The smart kitchen – new advances

You’ve probably wondered what the kitchen of the future will be like. We’re sure it’ll allow people to save time without losing cooking quality. Ultimately, people try to mold artificial intelligence into the fast-paced lifestyles they lead.
Induction cookers have progressed to such an extent that they can even tell you the weight of the food you’re making, they can be automatically turned on and off, or offer you recipe information on a screen.
Also, they can help you save energy on stirring pans. The system itself can do it intelligently as if it has a life of its own. It’s a way to make the most of your time and dedicate it to other functions.
Traditional concepts are a thing of the past; it’s time to look to the future.
Artificial intelligence in washing machines

The field in which artificial intelligence works best is household appliances. One particular case is washing machines. Some of the innovations are clothes care and, of course, saving energy without harming the environment.
However, one of the most noteworthy novelties is that you can control these appliances with your cell phone. With an application, you can choose the program, know how long it lasts, pause the wash, and see when the cycle is about to end. In short, all the luxury of comforts.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Jorge, Elena: Del hogar digital a la casa red, Lulu, 2008.