A Pet-Proof Home

If you've decided to have a four-legged friend, you'll be interested to read our tips for making your house a pet-proof home.
A Pet-Proof Home

Last update: 28 January, 2021

Have you decided to increase the size of your family with a member of a different species? Before you do this, you need a pet-proof home. This will save you aggravation with problems that could arise. But it’s also good for your pet. That’s because it’ll help protect them from possible accidents.

Before buying a puppy, remember that there are thousands of abandoned cats and dogs looking for a chance. Even though it’s wonderful having a baby in the home, it could be a very enriching experience to adopt an older pet. They’ll thank you with tons of unconditional love! No matter what you decide to do, we’re going to give you some good advice to make this new period of your life a successful one.

A dog looking up at its owner.

A house that’s safe for pets

The safety of your pet

Before thinking about the state of your house, you have to consider the safety of this tender little creature that’s just arrived. It’s an especially delicate situation if you’ve brought home a puppy. Remember that at that age they can’t tell what’s dangerous from what’s safe, just like a human child. You have to keep the following out of their reach for their own good:

Toxic Products

Make sure that all medicine, cleaning products, and other items that are bad for animals (such as chocolate) stay out of their reach.

Dangerous places

Balconies, ponds, or swimming pools can put your pet’s life in danger. Use barriers to prevent your dog or cat from getting into those areas.

Now we can get on to making your place a pet-proof home

Once you’re sure that the newest member of your family isn’t in danger, it’s time to protect the house. Remember that puppies are demolition experts. That’s especially true when their teeth come out.

A dog with a toy which helps make your home a pet-proof home.

To protect your house, you have to keep all of your delicate valuables in a safe place… and don’t forget your shoes. Another good idea is to cover the sofa with sheets. This is particularly important if you’ve got a cat. You should also buy toys for your pets. That way they’ll have things to do other than just sinking their teeth into the first thing they find.

The day of the arrival

You don’t just want a pet-proof house. It should also be comfortable for your new family member. To help them feel at home from day one, we recommend you:

  • Set up a space for them to sleep in. They need their own spot. You can use an old piece of furniture for this or mattresses or cushions you no longer use. On the other hand, you might prefer to buy a special bed for your pet. Cats, for example, love small cushioned spaces.
A cat with a bed which helps makes you home a pet-proof and pet-friendly home.
  • Dogs are different and they tend to prefer bigger, more open spaces. Of course, for many of them, there’s no place they’d rather be than in their own bed! There are loads of decoration companies that have special product lines for pets.
  • Look after your pet. Give them food and water and if you have a dog then take them for regular walks.
  • If you decide to change your pet food brand, we recommend you do it gradually. Mix the new stuff with the old food and increase the proportion of the new one little by little.

A pet-proof home is a home without fleas!

The last thing you want to do is end up with a flea or parasite infestation. As soon as your new friend arrives, you should bath them with anti-flea shampoo. It’s also important for you to take them to the vet so they can give them the necessary vaccination shots.

A dog getting a check up at the veterinarians office.

There are also specific treatments for preventing fleas that veterinarians strongly recommend. These can last up to 3 months!

We hope these tips help you. We also hope you and your pet have plenty of fun times together.
