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6 Cleaning Myths Under Scrutiny

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Many of the procedures that you usually follow when cleaning your home may not be as good as you first thought. Keep reading as we put six cleaning myths under scrutiny!
6 Cleaning Myths Under Scrutiny
Last update: 03 October, 2021

There are cleaning routines that are followed without thinking if they’re really effective. You may have learned them from your mother or follow what everyone else does, but are they the best? In this article, we’ll examine several cleaning myths.

You’re probably going to be surprised by the results. Many of the things that you usually carry out when cleaning your home may not be as good as you first thought.

Six cleaning myths under scrutiny

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You know by heart how often you have to clean each area of your home, the most suitable type of products, or if it really is convenient for you to buy ecological brands. But how many of those myths are true and how many aren’t?

1. If it doesn’t smell, it doesn’t need cleaning

This is false. The effectiveness of a product isn’t related to its smell, it’s just a mental association that we usually make. Currently, there are many organic brands that avoid artificial aromas, thereby avoiding emitting toxic fumes.

This makes them less polluting for the environment, not to mention that they’re zero aggressive on the skin, which makes using gloves expendable.

2. Cleaning myths: green products are more expensive

This is relatively true. Although the price of this type of these products is higher, they’re usually multipurpose and serve to clean the entire house. In this way, it compensates because you don’t have to buy a different one for each purpose.

By the way, you’ll also have more storage space by not having a lot of products. On the other hand, detergents work at a low temperature and this will save you on your electricity bill.

3. The walls don’t need to be washed

The walls are the great forgotten of the cleaning routines and they also get dirty, especially when there are children or pets at home.

At the very least, they require a good review once a year. It’s best to use washable paint or vinyl wallpapers as you’ll only need warm water with liquid soap and a sponge to make them look new.

4. The dishwasher doesn’t need cleaning

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This is one of the most widespread false myths. Household appliances also need cleaning–even those used to clean! Consider them the contradictions of life.

In the case of your dishwasher, it’s an appliance that can have the most odors and bacteria. You should clean the filter on a weekly basis so that it doesn’t become clogged, as well as the door and the dosing compartments.

On the other hand, (at least twice a year), you should clean the dishwasher’s interior, either with a specific product or with vinegar. How? Very simple–you just have to select the program with the highest temperature and, after 15 minutes, introduce a glass of cleaning vinegar.

5. The shower curtain should be regularly washed

Totally true. The humidity makes it a breeding ground for the appearance of fungi. This, added to the remains of soap or hair, make it a source of dirt.

The ideal situation is to wash it every fortnight, but you can remove the remains of products that become impregnated after each shower. Most of them can be put in the washing machine, but it’s also a good idea to leave them in a basin to soak with vinegar to remove any dirt.

6. Cleaning myths: clean kitchen drawers weekly

Cleaning your kitchen drawers and cabinets once a week is more than necessary. Dust and grease particles accumulate on all surfaces, even seeping through the cracks. You should wipe them with a damp cloth for maintenance and, once a month, more thoroughly.

What do you think of these cleaning myths? You were probably very clear about some of them, but there may have been others that surprised you.

In addition to all this, remember that it’s not necessary to use more of the product than indicated by the manufacturer.