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5 Ways Of Setting The Table For a Fancy Meal

3 minutes
When you have guests over for a meal, you want the table to be perfectly combined and connected. Also, you want to display your personal style and character.
5 Ways Of Setting The Table For a Fancy Meal
Last update: 16 December, 2020

When you have guests, why not show off your house’s decoration? Make guests feel comfortable and welcome. To surprise them, here are 5 ways of setting the table for a fancy meal.  

Nowadays, there are a lot of shops where you can find cutlery, plates, panniers, jar, fabrics, glasses, candle holders, etc. The main goal is to offer the best quality and good service.

Therefore, why resort to the same basic elements for your home? Keep in mind that, from the guest’s point of view, details are all that matter.

1.Informal but sophisticated

Some figure

During your table preparation for a fancy meal, your main goal should be to create a style that identifies your personality. Hence, the table should reflect your personality even more than the food that you make.

If you are outgoing, bold, and unconventional, you might offer simple and refined cutlery, plain, single-color plates, and contemporary glasses. We’re talking about functionality with a little sophistication.

Regarding the table cloth – choose one with a casual style which will give a sense of informality. For instance, it can be a single-color cloth or be printed with photographs, patterns, or famous movie scenes .printing.

A different approach to a relaxed meal. 

2. Distinction and elegance

In contrast to the previous point, another option is to set the table with supreme elegance. You can put together a detailed table that reflects ostentation. Let’s look at some of the following recommendations:

  1. You can use golden and silver cutlery, as well as lace and napkin rings that match.
  2. A white tablecloth is an indispensable element. It may have patterns or embroidery, as well as darker shades and sparkles.
  3. A centerpiece is essential. It can contain flowers, fruits, seeds, etc. It will be a complement to the table and also add color and nature to it.
  4. The table runner becomes a key element. It is more aesthetic than functional, but it completes the decoration and enhances the table.

3. Minimalist style – visual display

Another way to offer a different and updated image is the minimalist style. It breaks the traditional aesthetic approach and it shows an interesting refinement.

For instance, you will need basic and useful elements to minimize the decorations. Try not to overload the table, but keep it simple.

Also, the shape and outline of the items must be simple, unlike the baroque style.

If you want to show seriousness and modernity, the minimalist style is a perfect choice. 

Some figure

4. Pay attention to details

If you want to use a more traditional style, you have to focus on the details. You should include some elements that stand out but not in an excessive way.

Candles are a key feature at dinner and fancy celebrations. Furthermore, you can use them with other elements, for example, coasters, centerpieces, bowls, etc.

A good choice is to use embroidered napkins and tablecloths, which will complete the table.

5. Chromatic combinations

Colors are an essential part of the table for an elegant meal. They must be perfectly combined, without clashing or generating tension, because the main goal is to feel comfortable in a friendly environment. 

The concepts to address are color, harmony, and good balance. However, you can create contrasts, add bright colors (red, orange, green…), or even use different elements, such as colored glasses.



When you have guests, why not show off your house’s decoration? Make guests feel comfortable and welcome. To surprise them, here are 5 ways of setting the table for a fancy meal.  

Nowadays, there are a lot of shops where you can find cutlery, plates, panniers, jar, fabrics, glasses, candle holders, etc. The main goal is to offer the best quality and good service.

Therefore, why resort to the same basic elements for your home? Keep in mind that, from the guest’s point of view, details are all that matter.

1.Informal but sophisticated

Some figure

During your table preparation for a fancy meal, your main goal should be to create a style that identifies your personality. Hence, the table should reflect your personality even more than the food that you make.

If you are outgoing, bold, and unconventional, you might offer simple and refined cutlery, plain, single-color plates, and contemporary glasses. We’re talking about functionality with a little sophistication.

Regarding the table cloth – choose one with a casual style which will give a sense of informality. For instance, it can be a single-color cloth or be printed with photographs, patterns, or famous movie scenes .printing.

A different approach to a relaxed meal. 

2. Distinction and elegance

In contrast to the previous point, another option is to set the table with supreme elegance. You can put together a detailed table that reflects ostentation. Let’s look at some of the following recommendations:

  1. You can use golden and silver cutlery, as well as lace and napkin rings that match.
  2. A white tablecloth is an indispensable element. It may have patterns or embroidery, as well as darker shades and sparkles.
  3. A centerpiece is essential. It can contain flowers, fruits, seeds, etc. It will be a complement to the table and also add color and nature to it.
  4. The table runner becomes a key element. It is more aesthetic than functional, but it completes the decoration and enhances the table.

3. Minimalist style – visual display

Another way to offer a different and updated image is the minimalist style. It breaks the traditional aesthetic approach and it shows an interesting refinement.

For instance, you will need basic and useful elements to minimize the decorations. Try not to overload the table, but keep it simple.

Also, the shape and outline of the items must be simple, unlike the baroque style.

If you want to show seriousness and modernity, the minimalist style is a perfect choice. 

Some figure

4. Pay attention to details

If you want to use a more traditional style, you have to focus on the details. You should include some elements that stand out but not in an excessive way.

Candles are a key feature at dinner and fancy celebrations. Furthermore, you can use them with other elements, for example, coasters, centerpieces, bowls, etc.

A good choice is to use embroidered napkins and tablecloths, which will complete the table.

5. Chromatic combinations

Colors are an essential part of the table for an elegant meal. They must be perfectly combined, without clashing or generating tension, because the main goal is to feel comfortable in a friendly environment. 

The concepts to address are color, harmony, and good balance. However, you can create contrasts, add bright colors (red, orange, green…), or even use different elements, such as colored glasses.



All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Gómez Benítez, Yoel: Manual de etiqueta y protocolo en la mesa, Arcopress, 2019.