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Are You Familiar with Anthuriums?

4 minutes
If you don't know about anthuriums yet, you need to. This waxed flower plant is the perfect complement that your spaces need.
Are You Familiar with Anthuriums?
Last update: 22 April, 2021

Plants are an ideal decorative element because they can bring positive energy into a room just by their presence. Therefore, we invite you to learn about one of the most beautiful species that exist: anthuriums. This tropical plant native to South America has beautiful waxed-looking flowers that can be red, pink, or white. It is easy to grow and a sure hit if you want to add a touch of color to any of your corners.

This is the anthurium

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Its scientific name is Anthurium and refers to a genus that includes about 800 species of the most exotic and showy plants. The most popular of them is andreanum, which you will surely recognize thanks to its large red, pink, and white flowers and heart-shaped leaves.

It is native to a tropical climate, which makes it perfect for interiors since it requires a temperature that doesn’t drop below 15 ºC. It also requires a lot of humidity and indirect light. If you want your house to be filled with its beauty, pay attention to these gardening tips.

A ray of sunshine

If you have an anthurium, you should know that it needs natural light to grow, although be careful with the location you choose because direct sunlight can burn its leaves. If you see that they begin to turn yellow, the time has come to find another corner.

The soil your plant needs

One of the keys for this plant to grow lush and colorful is to take care of the substrate you are going to use. This must have the ability to retain moisture without becoming waterlogged. If you add a little peat to a universal one, you will get a soil with an acid pH, which is great for anthuriums.

This is how the anthurium is watered

Irrigation is for many a point of conflict. This is where the plant can be damaged. For this reason, it is convenient to know the guidelines that are suggested for each species.

In the case of anthuriums, moderate watering is recommended – a couple of times a week in summer and once in autumn and winter. It is best to touch the substrate to see if it is wet or dry, so you never fail. It prefers soft water, so if you can, use distilled water or let it sit overnight.

Since it needs a lot of moisture, don’t forget to spray the leaves often. In summer it is better if you do it several times a day. Remember that it is tropical.

The reproduction of anthuriums

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Image: Thamizhpparithi Maari – Wikipedia

The good news is that it is very easy to reproduce and it does so through cuttings. Before transplanting, it is recommended that you leave the roots exposed so that you can separate the stems with care not to damage them. The next thing is that you place them in another pot with universal substrate and that’s it!

The qualities of this precious plant

Surely you remember the article where we mentioned some of the plants that help you purify the air? Well, this is one of them. It has the ability to clean the environment of toxins such as ammonia, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene.

Tips to keep it healthy

Its leaves and stems are usually a reflection of the problems that afflict it. Observe it carefully and if you see any of the symptoms that we specify below, act accordingly.

  • There are some bacteria that can attack your anthurium. When this happens, the leaves turn brown.
  • If you see that the stem is also stained, it has fungus from excess watering. If this is the case, change the substrate as soon as possible and modify the irrigation pattern that you have been following.
  • Another common problem is when its leaves turn yellowish. In this case, it may be as a result of receiving too much sunlight.
  • Finally, if you see that the flowers that appear are green, it means that you are receiving less light than you really need.

Grow an anthurium and you will enjoy its spectacular flowers all year round. You can put its elegant colors in any of your spaces and add warmth and harmony.