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The Best Indoor Plants For Winter

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As winter arrives, you can continue to decorate your home with plants to bring life and color inside.
The Best Indoor Plants For Winter
Last update: 25 September, 2020

The world of gardening is interesting, especially when we talk about bring plants inside. So we’re going to show you the best indoor plants for winter. We’ll take into account which ones are more interestingly aesthetically and discuss their characteristics.

Not all plants can withstand temperature changes in your home during winter. Keep in mind that, even with the heat on, the temperature in your house is usually colder during this season.

As a result, it’s best to choose plants that offer three things. You want plants that are aesthetically pleasing, resistant to the weather, and durable over time. Then, you can use them to decorate your home. The result will be incredible!

Best indoor plants for winter – the Christmas cactus

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There are two types of indoor plants for winter: those with flowers and those without. Both styles create a relaxed atmosphere and add freshness to the room. However, the types are different. Ones with flowers add more color, which can be nice in the winter.

One great example is the Christmas cactus. The green leaves combined with white or pinkish flowers look lovely. Also, it’s not too big. Also, white and pink are eye-catching during this season of the year.

Also, this plant doesn’t require much care. It survives perfectly in the warm environment of a home. It usually blooms during the winter and grows big leaves. It will need exposure to natural light, but not direct light.

Through plants, you can add color, freshness, and life to your home.

5 types of winter plants for the terrace

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In cold weather, most people stop using the exteriors of the home. Although you might not use your terrace or garden, it doesn’t mean you have to leave them without decoration. Instead, you can continue to maintain aesthetics since they are an integral part of your home.

  1. Pansies or violas are an example of flowering plants that can adorn a terrace. These plants offer a wide variety of colors: purple, white, and yellow in different ranges. They resist cold and frost very well. The plants also offer a spring-like appearance.
  2. Rhododendron is a type of plant that can grow very tall. They also offer a variety of colors, such as red, pink, and white. However, we recommend using a large pot. It is advisable to monitor their growth and prune the plants when necessary.
  3. Hydrangea is one of the most famous varieties of winter plants. It is usually one of the most common flowering plants in homes and public gardens. They offer a truly eye-catching range of colors from deep pinks to pure whites.
  4. One rare winter plant is the Alpine Violet. This plant has dark green leaves and whitish and pinkish petals. However, these are not common in hot countries. Instead, they grow best in places at high altitudes.
  5. On the other hand, if you want a type of plant that blooms all year round, you can decorate your terrace with primroses. There are many different shades, such as blue, red, yellow, and white. You can even combine different colors to create a beautiful aesthetic.

The intoxicating scent of lavender

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Everyone loves the aroma of lavender. It’s relaxing and can make you feel like you’re in a field. The freshness makes your home feel pure and hygienic.

This plant blooms in winter and has purple hues that help beautify any space. For example, you can decorate your terrace with planters of this flower.

However, you shouldn’t put lavender in planters with other plants. It can take over and hide other blooms.

Lavender not only adds color, but also a great aroma.

Heather – unique and pretty

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Without a doubt, heather is one of the most unique plants for winter. You can grow this plant both inside and outside the house. Also, heather’s color and shape is very attractive.

This plant requires basic care. However, it can withstand low temperatures well. Besides, it contributes a beautiful reddish color and generates warmth in the environment.


The world of gardening is interesting, especially when we talk about bring plants inside. So we’re going to show you the best indoor plants for winter. We’ll take into account which ones are more interestingly aesthetically and discuss their characteristics.

Not all plants can withstand temperature changes in your home during winter. Keep in mind that, even with the heat on, the temperature in your house is usually colder during this season.

As a result, it’s best to choose plants that offer three things. You want plants that are aesthetically pleasing, resistant to the weather, and durable over time. Then, you can use them to decorate your home. The result will be incredible!

Best indoor plants for winter – the Christmas cactus

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There are two types of indoor plants for winter: those with flowers and those without. Both styles create a relaxed atmosphere and add freshness to the room. However, the types are different. Ones with flowers add more color, which can be nice in the winter.

One great example is the Christmas cactus. The green leaves combined with white or pinkish flowers look lovely. Also, it’s not too big. Also, white and pink are eye-catching during this season of the year.

Also, this plant doesn’t require much care. It survives perfectly in the warm environment of a home. It usually blooms during the winter and grows big leaves. It will need exposure to natural light, but not direct light.

Through plants, you can add color, freshness, and life to your home.

5 types of winter plants for the terrace

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In cold weather, most people stop using the exteriors of the home. Although you might not use your terrace or garden, it doesn’t mean you have to leave them without decoration. Instead, you can continue to maintain aesthetics since they are an integral part of your home.

  1. Pansies or violas are an example of flowering plants that can adorn a terrace. These plants offer a wide variety of colors: purple, white, and yellow in different ranges. They resist cold and frost very well. The plants also offer a spring-like appearance.
  2. Rhododendron is a type of plant that can grow very tall. They also offer a variety of colors, such as red, pink, and white. However, we recommend using a large pot. It is advisable to monitor their growth and prune the plants when necessary.
  3. Hydrangea is one of the most famous varieties of winter plants. It is usually one of the most common flowering plants in homes and public gardens. They offer a truly eye-catching range of colors from deep pinks to pure whites.
  4. One rare winter plant is the Alpine Violet. This plant has dark green leaves and whitish and pinkish petals. However, these are not common in hot countries. Instead, they grow best in places at high altitudes.
  5. On the other hand, if you want a type of plant that blooms all year round, you can decorate your terrace with primroses. There are many different shades, such as blue, red, yellow, and white. You can even combine different colors to create a beautiful aesthetic.

The intoxicating scent of lavender

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Everyone loves the aroma of lavender. It’s relaxing and can make you feel like you’re in a field. The freshness makes your home feel pure and hygienic.

This plant blooms in winter and has purple hues that help beautify any space. For example, you can decorate your terrace with planters of this flower.

However, you shouldn’t put lavender in planters with other plants. It can take over and hide other blooms.

Lavender not only adds color, but also a great aroma.

Heather – unique and pretty

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Without a doubt, heather is one of the most unique plants for winter. You can grow this plant both inside and outside the house. Also, heather’s color and shape is very attractive.

This plant requires basic care. However, it can withstand low temperatures well. Besides, it contributes a beautiful reddish color and generates warmth in the environment.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • McCreary, Rosemari: Jardines de interior, Barcelona, Ceac, 2007.