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Outlets: Decorate Each and Every One

3 minutes
Give it a try and discover the small pleasure they'll give every time you plug something in.
Outlets: Decorate Each and Every One
Last update: 08 February, 2019

Outlets usually go unnoticed but you can find them in different shapes, sizes, and colors. In today’s post, we’re bringing you some ideas for decorating all of the outlets in your home.

As you’re getting really to decorate your outlets, remember that they’re dangerous and call for precautions. You should be extra careful when decorating the outlets in babies’ rooms.

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Decorating the outlets in a baby’s room

Outlets and light-switches can be dangerous for children. If you have little ones they might not know that these elements can be dangerous. Children shouldn’t play with these electrical installations; it’s a normal fear for any parent or guardian to have.

So, we’d like to show you some decorative ideas that’ll help teach your littlest ones in a fun way that they should stay away from these.

You can find a wide variety of decorative outlets on the market, or make them yourself. Here are some original ideas.

Use adhesive vinyl decals with cute characters

There are decorative decals that are designed for outlets. For example, you could stick on a little person that’s shouting, “Turn me off!” next to the light-switch. This is just one example among the many existing choices for light-switches.

If your children are animal-lovers, browse the enormous variety of decorative decals for outlets. For example, you might find a small sleeping cat. You could stick it on one of the ends of a light-switch to signal that it’s turned off. It’s such a fun way to remind your children to turn the lights off when they leave their rooms.

Make outlet covers

Another original idea is covering outlets with rectangular foam sheet cut-outs. You can make them simple out of one color or decorate them with shapes and fun stickers. Plus, this is a chance to do crafts with your children; they could have fun and see their own work on the walls.

Use washi tape to decorate

Washi tape is a universal name and is used to decorate any kind of surface. You can use a colorfully cute design on the borders of your outlets. And it’s super simple. You just need to choose the design that you want, cut and paste.

Make little doors

There are small, adorable doors available that you can use for your outlets. They come in different colors, images, and textures. Choose your favorite one for your little ones. These tiny doors will make their rooms safer.

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Decorating the outlets for other rooms

While decorating outlets might seem like a good idea for children’s rooms, what about the other rooms? You can use the same ideas above for the other spaces in your home.

Design with your home’s general aesthetic in mind

Decorate according to the aesthetics that characterize your home or apartment. Use decals, washi tape, stickers, fabric or foam sheets, paint and more to decorate. You could even give your outlets a rustic makeover by creating a texture that imitates wood.

Decorate to match rooms

You could customize each outlet to match the room that it’s in. For example, for the outlets in the bathroom, give them a cover that’s decorated with small shells.

For the kitchen or dining room, you could paint your outlets brown and add a small door with a decal that’s related to food.

Make a fabric pocket for charging your phone

You can also create a fabric pocket to hold your phone while it’s charging, right over the outlet. Slap on some velcro and the pocket will cover the outlet while keeping your phone safely in place. You can also use it to hide your phone charger wire later. It’s that easy: a decorative yet functional accessory that’ll adorn your room.

With these ideas, you can decorate each and every corner of your home. Don’t forget that the details, even in tiny objects or spaces, determine the overall aesthetic of your home. Give it a try and discover the small pleasure that plugging something into a decorated outlet can give you.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Lluch, Francisco Javier: Arte de armonizar los colores, Barcelona, Imprenta de El Porvenir, 1858.