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Natural Air Fresheners For Your Home

4 minutes
The best way to get a clean and odorless atmosphere is by using natural air fresheners.
Natural Air Fresheners For Your Home
Last update: 29 October, 2019

Believe it or not, the aroma of a house is a fundamental part of the decoration. Interior design as a whole should take into account the stimulation of as many of our senses as possible – vision, hearing, touch, and smell. Therefore, the best way to achieve a cozy atmosphere is by incorporating natural air fresheners in the home.

When we visualize, design, and create the decoration of a space, we shouldn’t only focus on furniture, objects, colors, among others. We must give importance to the entire environmental situation. In this sense, the aroma acquires a leading role, helping to purify the air.

Why use natural air fresheners?

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We all want our home to smell good, right? The most common solution people find is using air fresheners in aerosol form. These are made of chemicals that only work temporarily, plus they can be detrimental to our health. There are many ways to add a pleasant aroma to our home without resorting to artificial air fresheners.

The main objective is to enhance the feeling of cleanliness; nobody wants to create a heavy atmosphere that leads to uncomfortable breathing. Therefore, we’re going to mention some easy and affordable ways to refresh your home with natural aromas and turn it into a true paradise.

Potpourri, natural and sweet

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This element is one of the decorative resources that bring us the most benefits. Its effects and options in the decoration of the different rooms of a house are incredibly broad. The reason for this is that potpourri not only stimulates our smell with delicious fragrances but it’s also attractive to the eye.

It can function as a centerpiece in the bathroom or as a bedroom decoration. In addition, this natural air freshener is a cheap way to personalize your rooms, both in a visually and by smell.

Lastly, if you want to add more prominence to potpourri, you can place it in a special container. That way, it’ll become the focus of your decoration.

Ecological candles for your bedroom

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Another way to give your home a pleasant aroma is through natural candles. This is perfect for creating relaxing environments thanks to the dim light. In addition, this can increase the feeling of relaxation when it includes soft, calming scents such as lavender.

You can find this type of candle in various decoration stores. However, if you want to make sure your candles are 100% natural, you can make them yourself. The process is very simple and only requires a few materials. Let’s see what they are.

  • Most of the candles we find in stores are made with paraffin, a chemical that can be harmful to our health. Therefore, in order to make an ecological candle, you’ll have to substitute paraffin for a more sustainable material such as soy wax.
  • Essential oils and lavender bouquets will be the resources that will help you provide the aroma to your candle and intensify the sensation of relaxation. On the other hand, dried bouquets will serve as decoration as well.
  • This craft will also help you recycle glass jars. You don’t need to buy them – instead, you can reuse old glass jam jars (or any other jar you can find in your house!).
  • Finally, don’t forget to add a cotton cord so that you can light your candle once it’s finished.

To make your candle, you just have to melt the wax in a water-bath and apply a few drops of lavender oil. Once the ingredients have been mixed, pour it very carefully into a glass jar. Finally, before the mixture solidifies, add the dried lavender branches with the help of tweezers.

Oranges and lemons – seasonal natural air fresheners

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Fresh citrus aromas such as tangerine, lime or lemon, are a popular choice during the hot summer months when we want to switch to fresher aromas. An easy and simple way to use this type of fruit is to create air fresheners with the peel.

Air fresheners made out of citrus peel are completely natural, easy to make, and effective in absorbing unwanted odors. On top of all this, they provide a subtle fragrance in the room. These peels contain citric acid, which is the key ingredient in this type of air freshener.

Citric acid helps neutralize odors – and the best part of all is that it’s completely natural! It’s also a fantastic craft to do with children. Let’s see how you can make these air fresheners.

  • First of all, remove the fruit until you only have the bowl-shaped peel left.
  • Next, fill the citrus rinds with sea salt. This doesn’t give off any smell but it absorbs the bad smells in the room.
  • Finally, you can add some essential oils or fresh herbs to produce a mild, pleasant fragrance and obtain additional color and aroma.

Believe it or not, the aroma of a house is a fundamental part of the decoration. Interior design as a whole should take into account the stimulation of as many of our senses as possible – vision, hearing, touch, and smell. Therefore, the best way to achieve a cozy atmosphere is by incorporating natural air fresheners in the home.

When we visualize, design, and create the decoration of a space, we shouldn’t only focus on furniture, objects, colors, among others. We must give importance to the entire environmental situation. In this sense, the aroma acquires a leading role, helping to purify the air.

Why use natural air fresheners?

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We all want our home to smell good, right? The most common solution people find is using air fresheners in aerosol form. These are made of chemicals that only work temporarily, plus they can be detrimental to our health. There are many ways to add a pleasant aroma to our home without resorting to artificial air fresheners.

The main objective is to enhance the feeling of cleanliness; nobody wants to create a heavy atmosphere that leads to uncomfortable breathing. Therefore, we’re going to mention some easy and affordable ways to refresh your home with natural aromas and turn it into a true paradise.

Potpourri, natural and sweet

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This element is one of the decorative resources that bring us the most benefits. Its effects and options in the decoration of the different rooms of a house are incredibly broad. The reason for this is that potpourri not only stimulates our smell with delicious fragrances but it’s also attractive to the eye.

It can function as a centerpiece in the bathroom or as a bedroom decoration. In addition, this natural air freshener is a cheap way to personalize your rooms, both in a visually and by smell.

Lastly, if you want to add more prominence to potpourri, you can place it in a special container. That way, it’ll become the focus of your decoration.

Ecological candles for your bedroom

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Another way to give your home a pleasant aroma is through natural candles. This is perfect for creating relaxing environments thanks to the dim light. In addition, this can increase the feeling of relaxation when it includes soft, calming scents such as lavender.

You can find this type of candle in various decoration stores. However, if you want to make sure your candles are 100% natural, you can make them yourself. The process is very simple and only requires a few materials. Let’s see what they are.

  • Most of the candles we find in stores are made with paraffin, a chemical that can be harmful to our health. Therefore, in order to make an ecological candle, you’ll have to substitute paraffin for a more sustainable material such as soy wax.
  • Essential oils and lavender bouquets will be the resources that will help you provide the aroma to your candle and intensify the sensation of relaxation. On the other hand, dried bouquets will serve as decoration as well.
  • This craft will also help you recycle glass jars. You don’t need to buy them – instead, you can reuse old glass jam jars (or any other jar you can find in your house!).
  • Finally, don’t forget to add a cotton cord so that you can light your candle once it’s finished.

To make your candle, you just have to melt the wax in a water-bath and apply a few drops of lavender oil. Once the ingredients have been mixed, pour it very carefully into a glass jar. Finally, before the mixture solidifies, add the dried lavender branches with the help of tweezers.

Oranges and lemons – seasonal natural air fresheners

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Fresh citrus aromas such as tangerine, lime or lemon, are a popular choice during the hot summer months when we want to switch to fresher aromas. An easy and simple way to use this type of fruit is to create air fresheners with the peel.

Air fresheners made out of citrus peel are completely natural, easy to make, and effective in absorbing unwanted odors. On top of all this, they provide a subtle fragrance in the room. These peels contain citric acid, which is the key ingredient in this type of air freshener.

Citric acid helps neutralize odors – and the best part of all is that it’s completely natural! It’s also a fantastic craft to do with children. Let’s see how you can make these air fresheners.

  • First of all, remove the fruit until you only have the bowl-shaped peel left.
  • Next, fill the citrus rinds with sea salt. This doesn’t give off any smell but it absorbs the bad smells in the room.
  • Finally, you can add some essential oils or fresh herbs to produce a mild, pleasant fragrance and obtain additional color and aroma.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Greer, Beth: La casa natural: mejora tu salud, tu hogar y el planeta, habitación por habitación, Zenith, 2018.