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Wall Borders - Styles and Applications in the Home

4 minutes
Give your walls an original touch with a border that can divide the wall and help create a unique look.
Wall Borders - Styles and Applications in the Home
Last update: 11 June, 2020

To change the decoration of your home, you should start with an aesthetic transformation. This implies clear changes from the walls to the furniture. So we’re going to take a look at the importance of wall borders. We’ll look at different styles and how to apply them in your home.

The use of this resource has expanded in all decorative styles. It doesn’t matter what the space is or the type of room. Wall borders have a place in the home and they are here to stay! They can create a harmonious, beautiful look as long as there is a clear relationship with the color of the walls.

The internal atmosphere of the house is an important factor when considering wall borders. However, the crucial thing is to make sure it doesn’t clash with other decor. The best way to use a wall border is when it contributes to the aesthetic of a home, rather than detracting.

What are wall borders?

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Maybe you’ve wondered what wall borders are, what they can offer on an aesthetic level, and what they can contribute to your home. Well, wall borders are horizontal or vertical bands that can have different patterns or geometric presentations. They can also feature different colors or artistic techniques.

Wall borders are ornamental elements that can add beauty to your walls. They’re usually located halfway up the wall, generally about 3 feet from the ground. However, you can also use them at the base of the wall or the top near the ceiling.

As for thickness, there’s no limit. While it’s true you don’t want the border to be too big, you can have a solid band without overloading the whole room.

In terms of decoration, borders can give homes an attractive theme.

Wall borders in the kitchen

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Generally, kitchens have some sort of border on the walls. While this hasn’t always been common, throughout the 20th-century borders have become a common home decoration. They provide a kitchen with color and fun shapes. Let’s look at some different styles:

  • One of the most common styles is a border in a single color. These run around the walls to create a perimeter. As we said before, these borders are usually located halfway up the wall. They can be based on small squares of different shades.
  • On the other hand, there are borders made of tiles with geometric shapes. Some of these even include food, such as vegetables, in the theme. These can help create dynamic pops of color and abstract shapes.
  • Another form of geometric shapes is wall borders with Muslim influence. For example, writing is very popular, such as Kufic script. In areas of Andalusia and North Africa, these borders are very common.

Borders in the bathroom

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Normally, bathrooms have white tiles. This creates the opportunity to contrast colors and create differentiation through a creative wall border. Again, it doesn’t matter if your wall borders are different colors than the rest of the room since this can help create contrast and establish an original theme.

Basic geometric shapes are most common in bathroom borders. However, abstract motifs are also common decorative components.

One method that works well is if you have two different colors on a wall, you can use a border in between the two. This helps create clear division. We recommend using a lighter color on the higher part of the wall and a darker color below.

The bathroom is an area where you can play with wall borders.

In a child’s bedroom – make it a dream room

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A border in a child’s room can be very playful. Through a border, you can create a theme that matches the rest of the decor. As a result, you should consider what colors and shapes you use in a border. Then, you can match the other wall colors with the border.

However, if you want to contribute to a child’s theme, there are lots of options. For example, you can use natural motifs, such as trees, flowers, stars, or clouds, to animals.

The style of an Andalusian patio

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Perhaps one of the most prominent ways to feature a wall border is in the style of an Andalusian patio. To achieve this look, you can tile the lower half of a wall but not the upper half. Also, it’s best to feature bright colors that relate to the vegetation of your patio or any planters.


To change the decoration of your home, you should start with an aesthetic transformation. This implies clear changes from the walls to the furniture. So we’re going to take a look at the importance of wall borders. We’ll look at different styles and how to apply them in your home.

The use of this resource has expanded in all decorative styles. It doesn’t matter what the space is or the type of room. Wall borders have a place in the home and they are here to stay! They can create a harmonious, beautiful look as long as there is a clear relationship with the color of the walls.

The internal atmosphere of the house is an important factor when considering wall borders. However, the crucial thing is to make sure it doesn’t clash with other decor. The best way to use a wall border is when it contributes to the aesthetic of a home, rather than detracting.

What are wall borders?

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Maybe you’ve wondered what wall borders are, what they can offer on an aesthetic level, and what they can contribute to your home. Well, wall borders are horizontal or vertical bands that can have different patterns or geometric presentations. They can also feature different colors or artistic techniques.

Wall borders are ornamental elements that can add beauty to your walls. They’re usually located halfway up the wall, generally about 3 feet from the ground. However, you can also use them at the base of the wall or the top near the ceiling.

As for thickness, there’s no limit. While it’s true you don’t want the border to be too big, you can have a solid band without overloading the whole room.

In terms of decoration, borders can give homes an attractive theme.

Wall borders in the kitchen

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Generally, kitchens have some sort of border on the walls. While this hasn’t always been common, throughout the 20th-century borders have become a common home decoration. They provide a kitchen with color and fun shapes. Let’s look at some different styles:

  • One of the most common styles is a border in a single color. These run around the walls to create a perimeter. As we said before, these borders are usually located halfway up the wall. They can be based on small squares of different shades.
  • On the other hand, there are borders made of tiles with geometric shapes. Some of these even include food, such as vegetables, in the theme. These can help create dynamic pops of color and abstract shapes.
  • Another form of geometric shapes is wall borders with Muslim influence. For example, writing is very popular, such as Kufic script. In areas of Andalusia and North Africa, these borders are very common.

Borders in the bathroom

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Normally, bathrooms have white tiles. This creates the opportunity to contrast colors and create differentiation through a creative wall border. Again, it doesn’t matter if your wall borders are different colors than the rest of the room since this can help create contrast and establish an original theme.

Basic geometric shapes are most common in bathroom borders. However, abstract motifs are also common decorative components.

One method that works well is if you have two different colors on a wall, you can use a border in between the two. This helps create clear division. We recommend using a lighter color on the higher part of the wall and a darker color below.

The bathroom is an area where you can play with wall borders.

In a child’s bedroom – make it a dream room

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A border in a child’s room can be very playful. Through a border, you can create a theme that matches the rest of the decor. As a result, you should consider what colors and shapes you use in a border. Then, you can match the other wall colors with the border.

However, if you want to contribute to a child’s theme, there are lots of options. For example, you can use natural motifs, such as trees, flowers, stars, or clouds, to animals.

The style of an Andalusian patio

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Perhaps one of the most prominent ways to feature a wall border is in the style of an Andalusian patio. To achieve this look, you can tile the lower half of a wall but not the upper half. Also, it’s best to feature bright colors that relate to the vegetation of your patio or any planters.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Barbado, José Luis: Consejos útiles para el hogar, Buenos Aires, Albatros, 2003.