Roman Showers are Simple and Timeless

Roman showers are practical, elegant, modern and just plain beautiful. So, how about designing one for your house? Continue reading as we’re about to tell you all about this concept.
The advantages of Roman showers
When you think of a Roman shower you may imagine an open space with cold and hot water pools more similar to a thermal circuit than to a bathroom. However, the concept took a turn and there are currently many options that can adapt to your home.
Roman showers are now separate from bathtubs to improve their function when it’s bathing time. This is why they’re now so popular. Some of the advantages of having one are:
1. Feeling of openness
Glass screens are a lot more interesting because they make a bathroom seem larger. And you can also add brightness by directing the lights according to the environment and available windows.
2. Roman showers are timeless and elegant
Open Roman showers have no visual barriers so they provide undisputed simplicity. When you see these elegant designs you might feel like you’re in a five-star hotel.
3. Functionality assured
Open showers adapt to your current life because most of us don’t have the space to install a bathtub. But even when we do there’s little time to take a dip. This is one of the major reasons why people choose them in modern style homes.
4. Outdoor Roman Showers
If you have a pool and you need a shower to rinse off then you could install one nearby. You can easily integrate it into an outdoor space and it will perfectly fulfill its objective. There are some designs with wood accents that are quite beautiful!
Why opt for open Roman showers?

When it comes to bathroom design trends, open Roman showers are timeless. They’re not only visually attractive but also can adapt to any space due to their versatility. This is what you might be looking for to modernize your home environment. Not only for their sophistication but also because they’re practical.
This design works best in roomy bathrooms. They can integrate with the rest of the bathroom and don’t need separation between the shower and the rest of the floor.
Currently, there are liners available and these separate the shower area from the rest of the bathroom. But, the best part is that the materials used for Roman showers can be compatible with the rest of the decor. That is, they integrate well and become a matching set.
You can place this kind of shower both in the center of the bathroom, on one of the sides or even in a corner. The size will depend on the space you have and your taste. Most liners are about 6-7 feet wide, however, you only need a minimum of 4 feet to create a comfortable space.
More advantages of open showers

You might think that open Roman showers are somewhat old-fashioned because their origin dates back to the Roman empire. But, the current ones are different as their design adapts to modern standards. Interior designers just love them.
If you look around, you’ll start noticing how more and more five star hotels have them in their rooms. They definitely take advantage of the space with comfort, elegance, and good design being of utmost importance.
Regardless of the size of your bathroom, you can install a Roman shower and even divide it with a glass screen to keep the water from splashing. You won’t lose the openness with it. And, they’re perfect for handicapped and older people because there’s no step to worry about.
Finally, let’s just say that Roman showers are a great design and you can integrate them into your current bathroom. They offer so many advantages!
Roman showers are practical, elegant, modern and just plain beautiful. So, how about designing one for your house? Continue reading as we’re about to tell you all about this concept.
The advantages of Roman showers
When you think of a Roman shower you may imagine an open space with cold and hot water pools more similar to a thermal circuit than to a bathroom. However, the concept took a turn and there are currently many options that can adapt to your home.
Roman showers are now separate from bathtubs to improve their function when it’s bathing time. This is why they’re now so popular. Some of the advantages of having one are:
1. Feeling of openness
Glass screens are a lot more interesting because they make a bathroom seem larger. And you can also add brightness by directing the lights according to the environment and available windows.
2. Roman showers are timeless and elegant
Open Roman showers have no visual barriers so they provide undisputed simplicity. When you see these elegant designs you might feel like you’re in a five-star hotel.
3. Functionality assured
Open showers adapt to your current life because most of us don’t have the space to install a bathtub. But even when we do there’s little time to take a dip. This is one of the major reasons why people choose them in modern style homes.
4. Outdoor Roman Showers
If you have a pool and you need a shower to rinse off then you could install one nearby. You can easily integrate it into an outdoor space and it will perfectly fulfill its objective. There are some designs with wood accents that are quite beautiful!
Why opt for open Roman showers?

When it comes to bathroom design trends, open Roman showers are timeless. They’re not only visually attractive but also can adapt to any space due to their versatility. This is what you might be looking for to modernize your home environment. Not only for their sophistication but also because they’re practical.
This design works best in roomy bathrooms. They can integrate with the rest of the bathroom and don’t need separation between the shower and the rest of the floor.
Currently, there are liners available and these separate the shower area from the rest of the bathroom. But, the best part is that the materials used for Roman showers can be compatible with the rest of the decor. That is, they integrate well and become a matching set.
You can place this kind of shower both in the center of the bathroom, on one of the sides or even in a corner. The size will depend on the space you have and your taste. Most liners are about 6-7 feet wide, however, you only need a minimum of 4 feet to create a comfortable space.
More advantages of open showers

You might think that open Roman showers are somewhat old-fashioned because their origin dates back to the Roman empire. But, the current ones are different as their design adapts to modern standards. Interior designers just love them.
If you look around, you’ll start noticing how more and more five star hotels have them in their rooms. They definitely take advantage of the space with comfort, elegance, and good design being of utmost importance.
Regardless of the size of your bathroom, you can install a Roman shower and even divide it with a glass screen to keep the water from splashing. You won’t lose the openness with it. And, they’re perfect for handicapped and older people because there’s no step to worry about.
Finally, let’s just say that Roman showers are a great design and you can integrate them into your current bathroom. They offer so many advantages!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Álvarez Martínez, J. M. (1972). Las termas romanas de Alange. Habis, ISSN 0210-7694, No 3, 1972, Págs. 267-290.