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How to Choose Between a Shower and Bathtub for the Bathroom

3 minutes
If you’re trying to choose between a shower and bathtub, first remember that they’re both good options for your bathroom. However, remember that they differ in many ways.
How to Choose Between a Shower and Bathtub for the Bathroom
Last update: 22 February, 2021

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably trying to choose between a shower and bathtub for your bathroom. They’re both good options. In fact, you need to base your choice on the use you’re going to give them and your needs.

Nowadays, the concept of functionality prevails, meaning that infrastructures, services, and furniture must meet people’s demands. The idea is for you to pursue the comforts that benefit you the most. This way, you’ll make the best choice.

Sometimes, people get carried away by the aesthetics of a specific resource or element. However, you also have to think about its functions and the role it will play in your home.

Bathtubs are less popular nowadays

Some figure

Bathtubs are now less common in homes for two main reasons. On the one hand, they aren’t very practical, as they’re wide and take up space.

On the other hand, they aren’t very functional. In fact, they make life harder for older people and can even lead to household accidents. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t consider disregard bathtubs, they’re simply elements that are no longer as popular as showers.

The best thing about bathtubs is that they allow you to relax. Being able to lie in the hot water while you let go of the everyday stresses of life is an advantage. For this reason, some people love bathtubs. It’s no wonder why they’re an iconic interior design reference!

Bathtubs are reminiscent of a classic lifestyle.

The main benefits of having a shower

If you’re trying to choose between a shower and bathtub, you must first consider the type of life you ​lead. You also have to consider the practicality showers offer. Here are some of the benefits of having a shower:

  • Most people lead hectic lives. This doesn’t allow them to spend a lot of time on something as basic as personal hygiene. The good thing about showers is that you can wash in a simple, fast, and effective way.
  • It doesn’t take up too much space. All you need is a shower tray, a screen, and the faucet itself. If you opt for a shower, you’ll have more space in your bathroom.
  • Regarding your family members, showers are perfect options for everyone, no matter their age. They’re easy to access and also prevent slipping and possible accidents.
  • Nowadays, people prefer to spend more time on other leisure activities. Years ago, people loved taking long, relaxing baths. But times have changed, and now people prefer to take quick showers.

What about cleaning?

Some figure

Both showers and bathtubs are easy to clean. When it comes to cleaning bathrooms, it’s important to remove dirt and disinfect surfaces. The same goes for showers and bathtubs.

Yes, it’s true that bathtubs require more work, as they’re bigger. However, to clean a shower, you have to bend down and also clean the screen, a place where limescale can build up.

In terms of cleaning, both bathtubs and showers have very similar characteristics.

Shower or bathtub, which is cheaper?

You’ll find different prices on the market. Good quality materials or specific designs translate into higher prices.

However, there are all kinds of options. We’re sure you’ll be able to find functional and efficient products at affordable prices. All you have to do is look up prices and options until you find the one that interests you the most.

In short, you can go for either of the two options. Simply choose a practical and effective solution that will meet your hygiene needs.


If you’re reading this article, you’re probably trying to choose between a shower and bathtub for your bathroom. They’re both good options. In fact, you need to base your choice on the use you’re going to give them and your needs.

Nowadays, the concept of functionality prevails, meaning that infrastructures, services, and furniture must meet people’s demands. The idea is for you to pursue the comforts that benefit you the most. This way, you’ll make the best choice.

Sometimes, people get carried away by the aesthetics of a specific resource or element. However, you also have to think about its functions and the role it will play in your home.

Bathtubs are less popular nowadays

Some figure

Bathtubs are now less common in homes for two main reasons. On the one hand, they aren’t very practical, as they’re wide and take up space.

On the other hand, they aren’t very functional. In fact, they make life harder for older people and can even lead to household accidents. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t consider disregard bathtubs, they’re simply elements that are no longer as popular as showers.

The best thing about bathtubs is that they allow you to relax. Being able to lie in the hot water while you let go of the everyday stresses of life is an advantage. For this reason, some people love bathtubs. It’s no wonder why they’re an iconic interior design reference!

Bathtubs are reminiscent of a classic lifestyle.

The main benefits of having a shower

If you’re trying to choose between a shower and bathtub, you must first consider the type of life you ​lead. You also have to consider the practicality showers offer. Here are some of the benefits of having a shower:

  • Most people lead hectic lives. This doesn’t allow them to spend a lot of time on something as basic as personal hygiene. The good thing about showers is that you can wash in a simple, fast, and effective way.
  • It doesn’t take up too much space. All you need is a shower tray, a screen, and the faucet itself. If you opt for a shower, you’ll have more space in your bathroom.
  • Regarding your family members, showers are perfect options for everyone, no matter their age. They’re easy to access and also prevent slipping and possible accidents.
  • Nowadays, people prefer to spend more time on other leisure activities. Years ago, people loved taking long, relaxing baths. But times have changed, and now people prefer to take quick showers.

What about cleaning?

Some figure

Both showers and bathtubs are easy to clean. When it comes to cleaning bathrooms, it’s important to remove dirt and disinfect surfaces. The same goes for showers and bathtubs.

Yes, it’s true that bathtubs require more work, as they’re bigger. However, to clean a shower, you have to bend down and also clean the screen, a place where limescale can build up.

In terms of cleaning, both bathtubs and showers have very similar characteristics.

Shower or bathtub, which is cheaper?

You’ll find different prices on the market. Good quality materials or specific designs translate into higher prices.

However, there are all kinds of options. We’re sure you’ll be able to find functional and efficient products at affordable prices. All you have to do is look up prices and options until you find the one that interests you the most.

In short, you can go for either of the two options. Simply choose a practical and effective solution that will meet your hygiene needs.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Gilliatt, Mary: El libro de la decoración, Círculo de lectores, 1987.