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The Perfect Deck: 4 Ideas to Liven Up Your Deck For Summer

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Is summer coming and your deck is looking sad? Don't panic! We'll give you some ideas.
The Perfect Deck: 4 Ideas to Liven Up Your Deck For Summer
Last update: 01 January, 2019

Everyone is excited when winter finally ends and we get to enjoy the summer. As the good weather arrives, you’ll want to spend more and more time out on your deck. Whether for soaking up the sun, enjoying a good book, or dinners with your partner, family, or friends, it’s important to create the perfect deck for the summer.

We’ll give you ideas and inspiration to create the perfect deck and make the most of it during the hot months. Keep reading and discover budget and simple ways to give your deck a new look.

1. Cleaning

When summer arrives, usually your deck is dirty, dusty, and neglected. The first thing you’ll need to do to set up your deck for the summer is to vacuum the furniture, clean everything you’ve left out there, and see what’s in good condition and what’s not.

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Usually, some lights have burned out and the wood might be looking a little sunburned. Check and see which elements you need to work on. For example, if you have wooden furniture, you may need to apply a coat of varnish or other protection from the sun.

Once everything is clean and you’ve updated everything that needs it, it’s time to consider some of our recommendations.

2. Original lighting

If you consider lighting carefully, you will appreciate your deck more. It’ll become the perfect place for dinner or simply enjoying the night air.

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Therefore, we recommend that you install two types of lighting: one powerful and another that is warmer and more romantic. You’ll be able to find many types of lighting with a wide variety of prices and designs.

Combine different types of lighting to create different environments.

  • Conventional lighting: First, install a powerful light that appropriately illuminates the entire deck. If you only install warm or romantic lighting, you’ll be in need of more light for certain situations. Conventional lights can be several lights or a big overhead light.
  • Warm or romantic lighting: In addition to helping to light to the deck while using less power, these also will function as decoration. We love garlands that light up or electric candles. Another option to buy lights that have a small solar panel for recharging. Therefore, you can create the perfect deck lighting while not consuming energy and helping the environment.

3. Plants

In the summer as it gets hotter, plants create a feeling of freshness. Choose plants that are best suited for your space and the dimensions of your deck. However, you’ll also have to consider maintenance, your level of gardening knowledge, and the time you’ll have to care for them. We often get carried away by the look of colorful and ornamental plants and then we don’t know how to maintain them.

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Therefore, we recommend the following plants:

  • Ivy: If you have a free, dark wall, there’s no better option than ivy. At first, it takes a little for it to grab ahold of the wall and begin to grow, but then it’s really beautiful. However, you’ll have to cut it so that it says close to the wall and doesn’t take up more space than necessary.
  • Petunias: These are a plant that survives in high temperatures very well. That’s why petunias are perfect for the hot months and sunny decks. There are a wide variety of colors that will bring beauty to your perfect deck.

4. Awnings or pergolas to create the perfect deck

Another element to create a perfect deck is an awning or pergola. When the sun’s out and it’s hot, you’ll be able to enjoy the shade.

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If you have a small deck, the best option is a folding awning. Depending on the temperature, you can have it extended it or folded up. You can also use this to protect your home from the sun’s rays and prevent the temperature inside from rising.

On the other hand, pergolas are recommended for larger spaces so you have a shady area and a sunny area. However, these are not easy to assemble and disassemble. Therefore, if you want something you can take on and off, this isn’t the best option.

With these tips, you can create the perfect deck for the summer that you can enjoy for many hours.