Try Our Cleaning Challenge for a Spotless Kitchen

Spring is the best time for a deep clean for a spotless kitchen that’s ready for the rest of the season. Take the time to really clean the nooks and crannies in your kitchen. Our cleaning challenge will require discipline and some elbow grease but the results will be well worth the effort. You’ll be able to enjoy a perfect kitchen for longer.
Into the depths of your kitchen

When it comes to cleaning, you need to pay extra attention to your kitchen. People normally clean their kitchens every day and scrub away residue, and organize and clean out their pantries as well as their home appliances every once in a while.
Today, we have a 3-day cleaning challenge for you that’ll leave your kitchen sparkling. Do you dare to accept?
Step-by-step to a perfect kitchen
Our spotless kitchen cleaning challenge spans over a few days, but we promise that you’ll love the results.
Day 1: home appliances

Let’s start with your kitchen appliances, big and small. First, move them so you can vacuum the space underneath and behind them. We want to stress the refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine as well if you keep it in your kitchen.
Make sure you take your time with the grid area on the back of your refrigerator because it’s a hot spot for grime and residue. Vacuum and clean it with a damp rag to leave it like new.
But more important than its exterior is your refrigerator’s interior. Clean the shelves and drawers well with soapy water. Dry them and put them back. Take this opportunity to throw out anything that’s faulty or broken.
Moving on to your dishwasher: run it empty to clean the inside and after, take out the silverware baskets and bars to remove any food residue. Don’t forget to clean under the door and the surrounding area.
Now, let’s move on to your smoke hood, one of the greasiest spots in any kitchen. Clean the filter with a grease remover. If it’s extremely dirty, leave it to soak in a soapy bath.
Make a paste with baking soda and water to clean out your oven, covering its entire inside. If your oven is very dirty, leave the paste on for a night and wipe it off with a damp rag the following morning.
Don’t forget your smaller kitchen appliances. Clean your coffee machine, toaster, microwave, blender, etc. They’re also included in our cleaning challenge.
Day 2: clean and organize to perfection

For our perfect kitchen cleaning challenge, you’ll need to empty all your drawers and cabinets. Take out everything and clean the interior of your storage units using a soapy water mixture or an equal part water and vinegar solution.
Pay special attention to your drawers as they might be hiding food remains. If you find a lot of crumbs, use a vacuum to remove them easily.
When everything is dry, and when you’re ready to get down to organizing, start going through expiration dates on your food products and throw out anything that’s past its sell-by date.
Put the food products with a closer expiration date at the front and prevent unnecessary waste. Here are some practical tips for keeping your pantry organized.
Over time, try substituting your plastic containers for glass ones. Glass containers are not only a great alternative but they’ll also help keep things more organized.
Day 3: everything in clear sight

Day 3 is all about the counters, the sink, faucets, the stove-top and cabinet exteriors. Check out these home tips for eliminating grease, hard water or lime-scale stains to leave your kitchen like new without using any toxic materials.
Take extra care with your drawer and cabinet handles because they harbor a lot of built-up grime. If they’re metal, you can use baking soda to leave them sparkling.
Even though your counters are already an area that you clean regularly, you should be sure to clean and disinfect them carefully. Remove everything you have on top of them and scrub them with a disinfectant. Make sure to get into the corners as they could be hiding food remains.
Choose an appropriate cleaning product for your stove-top. If you want to prevent tough stains that are damaging in the long run, always keep the area clean and wipe it down with a product and dry towel after use.
Now, sit down and breathe. Enjoy the fruits of your hard work and feel satisfied because you’ve completed our cleaning challenge. Didn’t we say it’d be worth it?
Spring is the best time for a deep clean for a spotless kitchen that’s ready for the rest of the season. Take the time to really clean the nooks and crannies in your kitchen. Our cleaning challenge will require discipline and some elbow grease but the results will be well worth the effort. You’ll be able to enjoy a perfect kitchen for longer.
Into the depths of your kitchen

When it comes to cleaning, you need to pay extra attention to your kitchen. People normally clean their kitchens every day and scrub away residue, and organize and clean out their pantries as well as their home appliances every once in a while.
Today, we have a 3-day cleaning challenge for you that’ll leave your kitchen sparkling. Do you dare to accept?
Step-by-step to a perfect kitchen
Our spotless kitchen cleaning challenge spans over a few days, but we promise that you’ll love the results.
Day 1: home appliances

Let’s start with your kitchen appliances, big and small. First, move them so you can vacuum the space underneath and behind them. We want to stress the refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine as well if you keep it in your kitchen.
Make sure you take your time with the grid area on the back of your refrigerator because it’s a hot spot for grime and residue. Vacuum and clean it with a damp rag to leave it like new.
But more important than its exterior is your refrigerator’s interior. Clean the shelves and drawers well with soapy water. Dry them and put them back. Take this opportunity to throw out anything that’s faulty or broken.
Moving on to your dishwasher: run it empty to clean the inside and after, take out the silverware baskets and bars to remove any food residue. Don’t forget to clean under the door and the surrounding area.
Now, let’s move on to your smoke hood, one of the greasiest spots in any kitchen. Clean the filter with a grease remover. If it’s extremely dirty, leave it to soak in a soapy bath.
Make a paste with baking soda and water to clean out your oven, covering its entire inside. If your oven is very dirty, leave the paste on for a night and wipe it off with a damp rag the following morning.
Don’t forget your smaller kitchen appliances. Clean your coffee machine, toaster, microwave, blender, etc. They’re also included in our cleaning challenge.
Day 2: clean and organize to perfection

For our perfect kitchen cleaning challenge, you’ll need to empty all your drawers and cabinets. Take out everything and clean the interior of your storage units using a soapy water mixture or an equal part water and vinegar solution.
Pay special attention to your drawers as they might be hiding food remains. If you find a lot of crumbs, use a vacuum to remove them easily.
When everything is dry, and when you’re ready to get down to organizing, start going through expiration dates on your food products and throw out anything that’s past its sell-by date.
Put the food products with a closer expiration date at the front and prevent unnecessary waste. Here are some practical tips for keeping your pantry organized.
Over time, try substituting your plastic containers for glass ones. Glass containers are not only a great alternative but they’ll also help keep things more organized.
Day 3: everything in clear sight

Day 3 is all about the counters, the sink, faucets, the stove-top and cabinet exteriors. Check out these home tips for eliminating grease, hard water or lime-scale stains to leave your kitchen like new without using any toxic materials.
Take extra care with your drawer and cabinet handles because they harbor a lot of built-up grime. If they’re metal, you can use baking soda to leave them sparkling.
Even though your counters are already an area that you clean regularly, you should be sure to clean and disinfect them carefully. Remove everything you have on top of them and scrub them with a disinfectant. Make sure to get into the corners as they could be hiding food remains.
Choose an appropriate cleaning product for your stove-top. If you want to prevent tough stains that are damaging in the long run, always keep the area clean and wipe it down with a product and dry towel after use.
Now, sit down and breathe. Enjoy the fruits of your hard work and feel satisfied because you’ve completed our cleaning challenge. Didn’t we say it’d be worth it?