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3 Rules for Organizing your Refrigerator

3 minutes
Discover these practical rules and tips for getting the best possible organization for your refrigerator.
3 Rules for Organizing your Refrigerator
Last update: 27 January, 2019

Do you struggle with organizing your fridge? Do you find it hard to know where to put all the different food items? In this article, we’ll give you some tips so that you can get the best possible organization for your refrigerator.

Plus, having a well-organized fridge isn’t just about making it look good; it’s also fundamental if you want to preserve your food properly, and make sure you can find everything you need on a daily basis whenever you need it.

How to organize your refrigerator 

All foods need to be kept at a specific temperature if you want to preserve them properly. This is why refrigerators have several compartments with different temperatures, such as the door, lower drawers, central shelves, and an ice box or freezer section. In this article, we’ll give you three simple rules for organizing your fridge properly.

1. Organize by compartments

Thanks to the different compartments in your refrigerator, you can organizing your foods according to temperature. In this section, we’ll tell you which foods you can put in each section of your fridge.

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  • Door

The door is constantly being opened as closed as we put in or take out different ingredients. As a result, the door section has some of the highest temperatures in the fridge. This makes it the ideal location for food items that don’t require particularly low temperatures.

You can also use the door for keeping things such as sauces, jellies, drinks, and butter. To organize the door compartment properly, you can also divide your ingredients into food types rather than simply throwing them in any old order.

  • Central shelves

Secondly, refrigerators also have a central section which is divided into shelves or compartments, depending on the design. This section of the fridge has shelves at various different heights.

On the top shelf, you should keep food items that require cold temperatures, and foods that you use on a daily basis, like fresh pasta. On the middle shelf, you can keep dairy products and other open items that require cold temperatures, like cheese, milk or yogurts. Finally, the lower shelf is designed for fruit or vegetables.

  • Bottom drawers

You can also use the bottom drawers of your refrigerator for storing red meat and fish. The bottom drawers are often colder than other sections of the fridge, allowing you to store your meat safely.

  • Freezer box

The freezer box is one of the most practical and interesting places to store and organize foods you want to keep for long periods of time. You should keep all the foods separate in packets, sealed bags or Tupperware boxes.

2. Cleaning

Remember to always keep your refrigerator clean inside and out. It goes without saying that you’re storing food you’re going to eat. If you don’t keep it clean, your food could rot, and this can be really dangerous for you and your family’s health.

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3. Keep things in sealed bags

Another way to organize your refrigerator and store food properly at the same time is to keep them in sealed bags. That way, you can write the date you opened them or the use-by date on the bag, and have better control over your ingredients. Plus, sealed bags are a great way to avoid cross-contamination between foods.

As you can see, there are several simple rules to keep in mind when it comes to organizing your refrigerator. Separating your foods, putting them in the right compartments, and keeping your fridge clean will help to preserve your food for longer. Give it a try! Follow these tips, and see just how practical your fridge can be.