What's the Best Temperature for Your House?

The comfort of your home not only depends on your furniture and decor but also on the temperature of your house. That’s why it’s important to control the heat of the rooms.
Depending on the time of year, all of us can be too cold or too hot in our houses. Of course, the solution is to have the right kind of heating and cooling units. That’s why we’re going to find out what the optimum temperature is for your home.
Generally, we all want a warm and comfortable home. Naturally, the outside temperature has a drastic effect on the interior of your home. You can’t allow this to happen since it can affect your physical and emotional state.
Also, a poor HVAC system can worsen the quality of sleep or make you catch more colds. So the idea is that you are comfortable and can enjoy your home in the best possible way.
70° F is the best temperature during the day

Photo of Vlada Karpovich in Pexels
Generally, the recommended temperature for inside your home is 70° F. This is the average. At this temperature, it won’t be excessively hot nor too cold. Needless to say, it’s the best temperature for your body.
However, at night it doesn’t matter if the temperature falls below 63° F. Taking into account that once you’re in bed under the covers and warmed up by blankets and sheets, this is the best temperature for you.
If you use air conditioning in the summer or heat in the winter and fall, it’s important to set this temperature. However, the range is a little more flexible. We consider it to be between 68° F and 72° F. The point is that you have even heat throughout the house.
It’s important that you feel comfortable in any part of the house.
Problems that involve poor temperature management

You’ve learned what the best temperature is for the home. Now is the time to look at what problems can come up due to poor management. Here are some important aspects:
1.In warmer cities of the world, temperatures can reach above 77° F inside. Worse still, in some parts of the world, they can reach 95° F. This the reason why it’s important to have climate control units in homes.
2. There are also regions where it’s excessively cold. Heating is the answer, and above all, if you can regulate it. If not, or if it breaks down, you can then be uncomfortably cold to the point of it being unbearable.
3. Heat can make you feel lethargic. It makes you sleepy and can affect your daily performance. In other words, it paralyzes you as a person, hence the need for a temperate but not a hot environment.
4. On the other hand, cold gives you a feeling of discomfort. It makes you feel vulnerable and harms your well-being. At the same time, you also seeking out warmth to feel better.
Measures to establish better heat

Nowadays, there are temperature control systems for internal ductwork and air conditioners that are automatic and convenient. This means that the temperature goes off and on automatically.
More and more, businesses locate thermostats inside buildings. This way those inside have total control of the indoor climate. This is a vital factor because above all, you are comfortable and relaxed at work.
Central heating isn’t the first choice. Experts are promoting the location of thermostats and temperature sensors in each area of a building. By doing this, you can turn the heat on and off whenever you like.
Air conditioning for the best temperature
During the summer months, this type of unit is vital. It helps you maintain a temperature of 70° F. As mentioned previously, this is considered to be the healthiest temperature for the body.
Nevertheless, when it’s very hot, you may need to lower the temperature by a few degrees. It’s not recommended that you lower it drastically because it should still be close to 70° F.
To conclude, a good indoor climate helps you stay well, sleep peacefully, and feel comfortable each day. Now’s the time to control the temperature in your home. Shouldn’t you check this out?
The comfort of your home not only depends on your furniture and decor but also on the temperature of your house. That’s why it’s important to control the heat of the rooms.
Depending on the time of year, all of us can be too cold or too hot in our houses. Of course, the solution is to have the right kind of heating and cooling units. That’s why we’re going to find out what the optimum temperature is for your home.
Generally, we all want a warm and comfortable home. Naturally, the outside temperature has a drastic effect on the interior of your home. You can’t allow this to happen since it can affect your physical and emotional state.
Also, a poor HVAC system can worsen the quality of sleep or make you catch more colds. So the idea is that you are comfortable and can enjoy your home in the best possible way.
70° F is the best temperature during the day

Photo of Vlada Karpovich in Pexels
Generally, the recommended temperature for inside your home is 70° F. This is the average. At this temperature, it won’t be excessively hot nor too cold. Needless to say, it’s the best temperature for your body.
However, at night it doesn’t matter if the temperature falls below 63° F. Taking into account that once you’re in bed under the covers and warmed up by blankets and sheets, this is the best temperature for you.
If you use air conditioning in the summer or heat in the winter and fall, it’s important to set this temperature. However, the range is a little more flexible. We consider it to be between 68° F and 72° F. The point is that you have even heat throughout the house.
It’s important that you feel comfortable in any part of the house.
Problems that involve poor temperature management

You’ve learned what the best temperature is for the home. Now is the time to look at what problems can come up due to poor management. Here are some important aspects:
1.In warmer cities of the world, temperatures can reach above 77° F inside. Worse still, in some parts of the world, they can reach 95° F. This the reason why it’s important to have climate control units in homes.
2. There are also regions where it’s excessively cold. Heating is the answer, and above all, if you can regulate it. If not, or if it breaks down, you can then be uncomfortably cold to the point of it being unbearable.
3. Heat can make you feel lethargic. It makes you sleepy and can affect your daily performance. In other words, it paralyzes you as a person, hence the need for a temperate but not a hot environment.
4. On the other hand, cold gives you a feeling of discomfort. It makes you feel vulnerable and harms your well-being. At the same time, you also seeking out warmth to feel better.
Measures to establish better heat

Nowadays, there are temperature control systems for internal ductwork and air conditioners that are automatic and convenient. This means that the temperature goes off and on automatically.
More and more, businesses locate thermostats inside buildings. This way those inside have total control of the indoor climate. This is a vital factor because above all, you are comfortable and relaxed at work.
Central heating isn’t the first choice. Experts are promoting the location of thermostats and temperature sensors in each area of a building. By doing this, you can turn the heat on and off whenever you like.
Air conditioning for the best temperature
During the summer months, this type of unit is vital. It helps you maintain a temperature of 70° F. As mentioned previously, this is considered to be the healthiest temperature for the body.
Nevertheless, when it’s very hot, you may need to lower the temperature by a few degrees. It’s not recommended that you lower it drastically because it should still be close to 70° F.
To conclude, a good indoor climate helps you stay well, sleep peacefully, and feel comfortable each day. Now’s the time to control the temperature in your home. Shouldn’t you check this out?
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Greer, Beth: La casa natural: mejora tu salud, tu hogar y el planeta, habitación por habitación, Zenith, 2018.