Using Celebrity Images in Home Decor

Everyone’s grown up with celebrities all around them who have impacted their lives, from film actors to historical figures or artists. Therefore, in today’s article we’ll look at how you can use their image in your home decor.
Incorporating this will allow you to stage your interiors in a unique way. It doesn’t matter how you do it since the materials and the aesthetic perception will depend on the message you’re trying to display.
By doing so, the rooms become more attractive and different. The furniture and other items will be accompanied by a really surprising, original and unusual component because it isn’t something you usually find in homes.
The aesthetic contribution of celebrity images

How might these images look indoors? Without a doubt they’ll become charming pieces that’ll stand out and be visually attractive. In fact, it’ll be as if the space is completely dedicated to this celebrity.
However, we recommend being careful when doing this. You shouldn’t dedicate all the items in a room to the figure. It’s inevitable it’ll receive the most attention, but you shouldn’t idolize celebrities.
Aesthetically it should blend in with the rest of the decor. For this reason, it should follow the same style and therefore offer an eloquent and direct meaning. However, always integrate it into the general framework. In other words, it shouldn’t stand out in an exaggerated way.
A link must be established with the other items decorating the space.
Five ways to display celebrity images

Depending on the format, you can find different types of images. The important thing is they become a way for your guests to be amazed. However, it’s essential you yourself feel an emotional connection with the celebrities.
- Photographic panels: these are the most used and numerous in stores. Both decoration stores and print shops make them according to the consumer’s taste. They can cover a whole wall and there are different sizes. You can even combine several.
- Decals: this type is, as a rule, the most original and innovative as it can be placed on a wall and offer a unique look. They’re usually profiles of a schematic face.
- Photographs and posters: perfect for decorating the walls and furniture. They can be framed and will enhance the space around them.
- Sculptures: these aren’t as common. They tend to be small figures, being more common in the homes of collectors or fans of particular celebrities.
- Wallpaper: this is another of the most common. As it occupies a large surface, it’s essential you like the image the paper will have as it’ll get all the attention in the room.
The personality of the image you choose

Choosing celebrities will have much to do with personal taste. In this way, you’re showing a certain inclination towards a person you like.
The most popular are Hollywood celebrities: Marilyn Monroe, Clint Eastwood, John Travolta, Audrey Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin, etc. Also, there is the option of choosing scenes or takes from movies: Star Wars, Grease, Superman, Captain America, etc.
On the other hand, people also use singers and music groups: Michael Jackson, Elvis, The Beatles, Bob Marley, AC-DC, etc. And, of course, famous artists: Dalí, Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, Andy Warhol, etc.
The room and your personality will be defined by the celebrities you display.
Where to place the images?

You can place these images in any room. However, if you place one at the entrance, the first message you’ll send to your guest is your taste for a particular celebrity and where they’re from: a film, music, history, etc.
If you put them in the living room or in a bedroom, you’ll give to the space personality. On the other hand, if you display them in the bathroom, they might become a conversation piece. In short, your contribution is, fundamentally to demonstrate your interests.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Rodríguez Baliña, Rosario: Confección de accesorios para decoración, IC Editorial, 2019.