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Types of Pool Covers

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If you're lucky enough to have a pool at home, learn about the different types of pool covers available. A pool cover will protect your pool from dirt and debris and maintain the water temperature.
Types of Pool Covers
Last update: 19 January, 2022

You can enjoy a dip in your pool during both summer and winter without having to leave your home. But to do this, you need to know about the types of pool covers available, the options they have, and the possibilities that they provide.

There’s nothing worse than entering the pool and finding dirt, debris, contamination or even that’s it not at the right temperature. By using a pool cover, you can prevent these challenges and protect your pool against these types of problems.

Why not have your pool ready to use whenever you need it and install pool cover alternatives to save on your maintenance efforts? A pool cover ensures your comfort, health and is a feasible solution to guarantee the enjoyment of the whole family.

Low telescopic deck pool covers

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Image: tecnyvan.com

Within the different types of pool covers available, this one is in the most demand. The design and installation are quite simple: it’s a curved shape, like an arch, but without too much height. Although the height is dependent upon your requirements (from 90 cm to 180 cm).

The material that’s used the most is polycarbonate, (transparent or semitransparent). This allows the passage of natural light and preserves the interior temperature, ensuring that there are no inconveniences.

Opening the cover is easy and it’s a resistant and strong resource against shocks and impacts. In the event that there’s a break in the surface, the material can be easily replaced. Equally, it’s easy to clean and is resistant to fungus.

Pool covers for larger pools

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Image: hiperspa.es

In the event that the surface of your pool is large, you’ll have even more reasons to use a pool cover. Larger covers are different from the previous one that we mentioned and can be a great solution for community and neighborhood pools. Let’s see some of its characteristics:

  1. This is a fixed pool cover with measurements of approximately two meters high on the sides and up to three meters in the central part. It should be noted that when you’re underneath the cover, it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. It’s spacious and light and you’re able to stand with plenty of headroom and there’s no risk of blows.
  2. Rails allow different sections of the roof to move. This means that you can open it for good weather days and close it comfortably again without any effort. It’s a very practical system.
  3. In terms of materials, it’s also made from polycarbonate, giving the appearance of glass and allowing light to enter. The frame is made from aluminum, which is resistant to humidity and, of course, to corrosion.
  4. Companies dedicated to the installation of these types of pool covers will complete a tailor-made adaptation according to the type of pool you have. It doesn’t matter if your pool is small or large, this type of pool cover is a functional resource that’s perfectly suited to any site.

Basic covers with enclosures

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Image: pools-iguazu.es

Another type of pool cover is a low-rise enclosure that’s used in a basic way. It covers the surface and is a discreet resource because it’s small and doesn’t stand out, so it goes fairly unnoticed.

This type of pool cover is made with the same materials as the previous ones and, when bathing, you simply have to move the layers to the side. There’s no doubt that it offers great benefits.

Normally, this type of cover is used for small or plunge pools, however, you can also find this style for larger pools too.

Vinyl pool covers

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Image: amazon.es

Made from polyethylene, polypropylene, or vinyl, this type of cover is basic and inexpensive. It’s considered to be an isothermal cover that protects the condition of the water and prevents dirt and debris from entering it. It does its job and it’s efficient, but it’s not an ideal solution. Aesthetically it isn’t as pleasing and using it requires more effort than other covers. However, it’s certainly a much cheaper option.

You can enjoy a dip in your pool during both summer and winter without having to leave your home. But to do this, you need to know about the types of pool covers available, the options they have, and the possibilities that they provide.

There’s nothing worse than entering the pool and finding dirt, debris, contamination or even that’s it not at the right temperature. By using a pool cover, you can prevent these challenges and protect your pool against these types of problems.

Why not have your pool ready to use whenever you need it and install pool cover alternatives to save on your maintenance efforts? A pool cover ensures your comfort, health and is a feasible solution to guarantee the enjoyment of the whole family.

Low telescopic deck pool covers

Some figure
Image: tecnyvan.com

Within the different types of pool covers available, this one is in the most demand. The design and installation are quite simple: it’s a curved shape, like an arch, but without too much height. Although the height is dependent upon your requirements (from 90 cm to 180 cm).

The material that’s used the most is polycarbonate, (transparent or semitransparent). This allows the passage of natural light and preserves the interior temperature, ensuring that there are no inconveniences.

Opening the cover is easy and it’s a resistant and strong resource against shocks and impacts. In the event that there’s a break in the surface, the material can be easily replaced. Equally, it’s easy to clean and is resistant to fungus.

Pool covers for larger pools

Some figure
Image: hiperspa.es

In the event that the surface of your pool is large, you’ll have even more reasons to use a pool cover. Larger covers are different from the previous one that we mentioned and can be a great solution for community and neighborhood pools. Let’s see some of its characteristics:

  1. This is a fixed pool cover with measurements of approximately two meters high on the sides and up to three meters in the central part. It should be noted that when you’re underneath the cover, it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. It’s spacious and light and you’re able to stand with plenty of headroom and there’s no risk of blows.
  2. Rails allow different sections of the roof to move. This means that you can open it for good weather days and close it comfortably again without any effort. It’s a very practical system.
  3. In terms of materials, it’s also made from polycarbonate, giving the appearance of glass and allowing light to enter. The frame is made from aluminum, which is resistant to humidity and, of course, to corrosion.
  4. Companies dedicated to the installation of these types of pool covers will complete a tailor-made adaptation according to the type of pool you have. It doesn’t matter if your pool is small or large, this type of pool cover is a functional resource that’s perfectly suited to any site.

Basic covers with enclosures

Some figure
Image: pools-iguazu.es

Another type of pool cover is a low-rise enclosure that’s used in a basic way. It covers the surface and is a discreet resource because it’s small and doesn’t stand out, so it goes fairly unnoticed.

This type of pool cover is made with the same materials as the previous ones and, when bathing, you simply have to move the layers to the side. There’s no doubt that it offers great benefits.

Normally, this type of cover is used for small or plunge pools, however, you can also find this style for larger pools too.

Vinyl pool covers

Some figure
Image: amazon.es

Made from polyethylene, polypropylene, or vinyl, this type of cover is basic and inexpensive. It’s considered to be an isothermal cover that protects the condition of the water and prevents dirt and debris from entering it. It does its job and it’s efficient, but it’s not an ideal solution. Aesthetically it isn’t as pleasing and using it requires more effort than other covers. However, it’s certainly a much cheaper option.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • AA. VV.: Piscinas XXI, Kripsol, 2004.