The Taliesin Armchair - A Chair With A Difference

The world of interior design has given us so many incredible pieces of furniture. In many cases, designers take inspiration from their colleagues, artists, or even from nature. Today, we want to take a look at an example of avant-garde furniture – the Taliesin armchair, a chair with a difference.
Nowadays, the armchairs we find in furniture stores all look the same. We have a permanent feeling of déjà vu as if companies were simply churning out their design ideas on a giant conveyor belt. When we find something we like, it’s often because it’s different from everything we’ve seen up to that point.
There’s nothing better than filling your home with distinctive elements that reflect your personality. Moreover, it demonstrates a passion for decorating your interiors in a subtle yet dynamic way. Today, we want to take a moment to look at a design that strives to break with convention and rekindle that passion.
A brief history of the Taliesin armchair

Firstly, we should probably give you a little context. Created in 1949 by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Taliesin armchair is considered a work of art. It gets its name from Taliesin West, Lloyd Wright’s winter residence and workplace.
This renowned architect drew on everything around him in search of inspiration. Highly observant and attentive to new trends in interior design, he devoted his life to creating organic pieces that showed off his innovative character, breaking the mold and expanding his horizons.
He created designs unlike any other, including Fallingwater house, and the Guggenheim Museum in New York – works which established him as an architect. He took much of his inspiration for his furniture designs from his architectural work. With each new piece, he strove to set himself apart from the typical designs available on the market.
Frank Lloyd Wright was a prolific artist who refused to let himself be swept along by passing trends.
5 characteristics of the Taliesin armchair

When it comes to discussing the main features of this chair, it’s important to take into account the context of the period in which it was created, specifically the mid-twentieth century. This was a time when several different avant-garde aesthetics began to converge.
- The Taliesin armchair has a very interesting shape, consisting of a complex geometrical structure that offers a sense of stability. Wherever you look, you find sharp angles and intersecting lines.
- This is a chair that invites you to sit back and relax. With its wide, exaggerated armrests, it seems to welcome you in, conveying a sense of space and comfort.
- The chair itself is made of beech plywood with a cherry wood veneer, highlighting its angular form. It’s normally available in two main colors, natural wood or black. The black model offers a more powerful and imposing aesthetic, giving it a greater presence in the room.
- As well as the colors mentioned above, this chair can also be found in a range of other shades. The most common include burgundy, petrol green, and dark blue. These unusual colors set it apart from other models on the market.
- The leather upholstered cushion makes this chair hard-wearing and durable. It’s also common to find some models upholstered in velvet.
Geometry – design inspiration

A single glance at this unique design will instantly tell you that it takes inspiration from the art of origami. The only difference is that it has been created out of wood, rather than paper. However, Frank Lloyd Wright sought to evoke this ancient Japanese art form.
Geometry also played a fundamental part in the creation of the Taliesin armchair. The angles and lines form a series of interwoven planes which simultaneously complement and contrast with one another.
This is where Lloyd Wright’s architectural prowess also comes into play. As always, he finds inspiration in nature, giving his armchair a sense of character and vitality.
Where to buy?
The Taliesin armchair isn’t all that easy to find in your typical home stores. As a general rule, you can usually find it in specialist furniture stores or online. The internet is undoubtedly the best place to compare prices and find the best option in your area.
It’s available for purchase on sites such as Naharro. However, you should be aware that these designer chairs are very expensive, selling for over 3,000 €. Today, Lloyd Wright’s designs are considered collector’s items and don’t come cheap.
The world of interior design has given us so many incredible pieces of furniture. In many cases, designers take inspiration from their colleagues, artists, or even from nature. Today, we want to take a look at an example of avant-garde furniture – the Taliesin armchair, a chair with a difference.
Nowadays, the armchairs we find in furniture stores all look the same. We have a permanent feeling of déjà vu as if companies were simply churning out their design ideas on a giant conveyor belt. When we find something we like, it’s often because it’s different from everything we’ve seen up to that point.
There’s nothing better than filling your home with distinctive elements that reflect your personality. Moreover, it demonstrates a passion for decorating your interiors in a subtle yet dynamic way. Today, we want to take a moment to look at a design that strives to break with convention and rekindle that passion.
A brief history of the Taliesin armchair

Firstly, we should probably give you a little context. Created in 1949 by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Taliesin armchair is considered a work of art. It gets its name from Taliesin West, Lloyd Wright’s winter residence and workplace.
This renowned architect drew on everything around him in search of inspiration. Highly observant and attentive to new trends in interior design, he devoted his life to creating organic pieces that showed off his innovative character, breaking the mold and expanding his horizons.
He created designs unlike any other, including Fallingwater house, and the Guggenheim Museum in New York – works which established him as an architect. He took much of his inspiration for his furniture designs from his architectural work. With each new piece, he strove to set himself apart from the typical designs available on the market.
Frank Lloyd Wright was a prolific artist who refused to let himself be swept along by passing trends.
5 characteristics of the Taliesin armchair

When it comes to discussing the main features of this chair, it’s important to take into account the context of the period in which it was created, specifically the mid-twentieth century. This was a time when several different avant-garde aesthetics began to converge.
- The Taliesin armchair has a very interesting shape, consisting of a complex geometrical structure that offers a sense of stability. Wherever you look, you find sharp angles and intersecting lines.
- This is a chair that invites you to sit back and relax. With its wide, exaggerated armrests, it seems to welcome you in, conveying a sense of space and comfort.
- The chair itself is made of beech plywood with a cherry wood veneer, highlighting its angular form. It’s normally available in two main colors, natural wood or black. The black model offers a more powerful and imposing aesthetic, giving it a greater presence in the room.
- As well as the colors mentioned above, this chair can also be found in a range of other shades. The most common include burgundy, petrol green, and dark blue. These unusual colors set it apart from other models on the market.
- The leather upholstered cushion makes this chair hard-wearing and durable. It’s also common to find some models upholstered in velvet.
Geometry – design inspiration

A single glance at this unique design will instantly tell you that it takes inspiration from the art of origami. The only difference is that it has been created out of wood, rather than paper. However, Frank Lloyd Wright sought to evoke this ancient Japanese art form.
Geometry also played a fundamental part in the creation of the Taliesin armchair. The angles and lines form a series of interwoven planes which simultaneously complement and contrast with one another.
This is where Lloyd Wright’s architectural prowess also comes into play. As always, he finds inspiration in nature, giving his armchair a sense of character and vitality.
Where to buy?
The Taliesin armchair isn’t all that easy to find in your typical home stores. As a general rule, you can usually find it in specialist furniture stores or online. The internet is undoubtedly the best place to compare prices and find the best option in your area.
It’s available for purchase on sites such as Naharro. However, you should be aware that these designer chairs are very expensive, selling for over 3,000 €. Today, Lloyd Wright’s designs are considered collector’s items and don’t come cheap.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Zevi, Bruno: Frank Lloyd Wright, GG Brasil, 1995.