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‌Plants for Your Terrace: Which Will You Choose?

4 minutes
‌Choose plants for your terrace depending on its location, sun exposure, and shade. We'll explain your options and the types of plants you can choose from.
‌Plants for Your Terrace: Which Will You Choose?
Last update: 29 March, 2022

You can grow any plants you want on your terrace, but you should know that due to their growth, development, and requirements, some plants will grow better than others. Decorating your terrace with plants allows this space to be transformed. It creates a fresh look and adds a green touch that evokes nature in the midst of so much concrete.

Having an outdoor space where you can grow plants means that you need to think about the best ones to suit your environment. Although there are no limitations when it comes to indoors, the outdoors is different. However, depending on the size of your terrace, you can choose to grow larger and more abundant flora species.

In this article, we’re going to explain the ideal plants best suited to your type of terrace. Don’t miss out!

Choose the right plants for your terrace

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It’s your terrace and you can grow the plants you want, but this isn’t synonymous with the fact that they don’t all develop in the same way. Therefore, it’s necessary for you to identify the plants that’ll take advantage of the climatic conditions offered by your outdoor space.

An example of this is the sun-drenched terrace, in which case you have to choose the plants that require and enjoy direct sun exposure to promote their growth. Now, if your terrace is located in the shade, you’ll have to choose the plants that best adapt to that environment.

Next, we’re going to tell you about the ideal plants for each type of terrace. Identify which is yours before you plant and grow the corresponding species.

Sunny terraces

Plants for terraces that have direct exposure to the sun should be those that are resistant to heat and that require constant light to grow. Otherwise, constant high temperatures will make them wilt. Remember, as they’re continuously exposed to the sun, you should regularly water them.

Among the sun-loving plants, we have geraniums. These grow very well on the ground or in hanging pots; roses, tulips, petunias, and orange trees are also good alternatives. The latter are usually taller and as such, are located in corners where they have the advantage of shading ground-level plants.

Shady terraces

Although it may not seem like it, a shady and humid environment is ideal for many species of flora. Among them, you find begonias and camellias. These plants don’t require direct sunlight, but they do require a well-ventilated space. So if your terrace has a lot of shade and is open to the elements, don’t hesitate to choose these plants.

Terraces with both sun and shade

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If you have a terrace where there’s sun and plenty of shade at different times of the day, you have a real treasure! For this type of terrace, the most recommended plants are hydrangeas, as they require both environments to thrive. Remember that they prefer sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon.

Other options are laurels, fuchsias, and bluebells. With the last species, you need to exercise caution, as it produces fruits that are toxic to humans and pets.

Terraces or balconies with bars

If your terrace is a balcony type with railings or bars, it’s a great idea to grow hanging plants or vines. In addition to being beautiful, these species provide a cooler and more intimate environment and it can be used as a privacy screen too.

The plants that you can choose for this type of terrace are bignonias, bougainvilleas, celestinas, ivy, jasmine and ferns.

‌Resistant plants for the terrace

Regardless of the specific conditions of each terrace, the plants that you grow outside must be resistant. The reason is that they’re exposed to air currents, changes in temperature, rain, and pollution.

An example of a resistant plant is boxwood (Buxus sempervirens). According to experts, this is an evergreen plant that resists the conditions we describe very well, requires little care, and doesn’t need abundant watering. It adapts perfectly to hot and cold climates and tolerates direct and indirect sunlight very well. You can also prune it to give it different shapes.

Which plants are ideal for your terrace?

Did you manage to identify your type of space and the plants that best suit it? We hope so and we hope that you enjoy a resistant outdoor area that aesthetically contributes to your home.

Remember that there are other aspects to consider when growing plants on your terrace. This has to do with the climate of your city or area of residence. There are plants such as the hibiscus that tolerate warm weather and can even be grown outdoors, but they must be brought indoors in winter.

You can grow any plants you want on your terrace, but you should know that due to their growth, development, and requirements, some plants will grow better than others. Decorating your terrace with plants allows this space to be transformed. It creates a fresh look and adds a green touch that evokes nature in the midst of so much concrete.

Having an outdoor space where you can grow plants means that you need to think about the best ones to suit your environment. Although there are no limitations when it comes to indoors, the outdoors is different. However, depending on the size of your terrace, you can choose to grow larger and more abundant flora species.

In this article, we’re going to explain the ideal plants best suited to your type of terrace. Don’t miss out!

Choose the right plants for your terrace

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It’s your terrace and you can grow the plants you want, but this isn’t synonymous with the fact that they don’t all develop in the same way. Therefore, it’s necessary for you to identify the plants that’ll take advantage of the climatic conditions offered by your outdoor space.

An example of this is the sun-drenched terrace, in which case you have to choose the plants that require and enjoy direct sun exposure to promote their growth. Now, if your terrace is located in the shade, you’ll have to choose the plants that best adapt to that environment.

Next, we’re going to tell you about the ideal plants for each type of terrace. Identify which is yours before you plant and grow the corresponding species.

Sunny terraces

Plants for terraces that have direct exposure to the sun should be those that are resistant to heat and that require constant light to grow. Otherwise, constant high temperatures will make them wilt. Remember, as they’re continuously exposed to the sun, you should regularly water them.

Among the sun-loving plants, we have geraniums. These grow very well on the ground or in hanging pots; roses, tulips, petunias, and orange trees are also good alternatives. The latter are usually taller and as such, are located in corners where they have the advantage of shading ground-level plants.

Shady terraces

Although it may not seem like it, a shady and humid environment is ideal for many species of flora. Among them, you find begonias and camellias. These plants don’t require direct sunlight, but they do require a well-ventilated space. So if your terrace has a lot of shade and is open to the elements, don’t hesitate to choose these plants.

Terraces with both sun and shade

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If you have a terrace where there’s sun and plenty of shade at different times of the day, you have a real treasure! For this type of terrace, the most recommended plants are hydrangeas, as they require both environments to thrive. Remember that they prefer sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon.

Other options are laurels, fuchsias, and bluebells. With the last species, you need to exercise caution, as it produces fruits that are toxic to humans and pets.

Terraces or balconies with bars

If your terrace is a balcony type with railings or bars, it’s a great idea to grow hanging plants or vines. In addition to being beautiful, these species provide a cooler and more intimate environment and it can be used as a privacy screen too.

The plants that you can choose for this type of terrace are bignonias, bougainvilleas, celestinas, ivy, jasmine and ferns.

‌Resistant plants for the terrace

Regardless of the specific conditions of each terrace, the plants that you grow outside must be resistant. The reason is that they’re exposed to air currents, changes in temperature, rain, and pollution.

An example of a resistant plant is boxwood (Buxus sempervirens). According to experts, this is an evergreen plant that resists the conditions we describe very well, requires little care, and doesn’t need abundant watering. It adapts perfectly to hot and cold climates and tolerates direct and indirect sunlight very well. You can also prune it to give it different shapes.

Which plants are ideal for your terrace?

Did you manage to identify your type of space and the plants that best suit it? We hope so and we hope that you enjoy a resistant outdoor area that aesthetically contributes to your home.

Remember that there are other aspects to consider when growing plants on your terrace. This has to do with the climate of your city or area of residence. There are plants such as the hibiscus that tolerate warm weather and can even be grown outdoors, but they must be brought indoors in winter.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Tema 6. Árboles y arbustos usuales en la jardinería mediterránea.Jardinero Talavera de la Reina. 2019.