Learn About the Interior Design of Casa Batllo

Modernism in architecture emerged with Casa Batllo. To explain, it’s a work that exemplifies original designs and the contrast of colors.
Interior design plays a fundamental role in modernism. That’s why you should become familiar with the interior design of Casa Batllo as a point of reference. It can inspire you when decorating your house.
Today, designs continue under the parameters of the modernist style. Due to its perception and understanding, these have turned into a source of ideas. So it’s essential to learn the decoration formulas and to know where they’re coming from.
In this sense, it’s very important that you understand Casa Batllo as a work of art that combines creativity and quality interior design. Both concepts support one another.
Casa Batllo – the story of an innovative work

Casa Battlo/tiqets.com
Gaudi’s creation was constructed between 1904 and 1906 in the city of Barcelona and was part of the modernist style. Even though there had been a building there before, the change was only in the interior. And these changes were drastic and surprising.
The innovation of this style has influenced Barcelona and other Spanish cities to continue creating works in this style.
The designs that Gaudi created inspired Joseph Battlo, a businessman. Especially impressive is the way that the facades of his buildings project outwards, and the spectacular interiors. Even more, is the diversity of designs from this ordinary architect. One example is the facade, which is symmetric and has ornamentation on the entire surface.
The interior is always important

The facade of Casa Batllo is very attractive. But, the design is much more elaborate on the interior. Especially impressive is the layout of the furniture in relation to the architecture. There is a clear connection between the exterior and the interior.
- The fluidity in the facade is also present in the interior of the building. Not only in the furniture is this true, but also in the interior of the structure. The furniture conserves the aesthetic and the interior where there is also fluidity.
- An important feature is a window on the main floor. Between the stained glass windows and the curves of the arches, we see a large screen of color, light, and a dynamic view. What’s more, curved lines dominate with different whimsical shapes.
- By studying the furniture, you can see the innovation. For example, there are pieces that are totally innovative such as the chairs that are connected at the seat.
- Curves dominate and give a feeling of movement. So it’s as if the structural element were part of the decor. Normally, this is uncommon, since designers tend to use straight and simple lines.
Like you’re in a fantasy

Stained glass windows/barcelonaturisme.com
What you feel upon entering the house is pure magic. That’s to say it’s like being in a fantasy world. It doesn’t even matter from what angle you look at it. For instance, you’re going to find colors, dynamism, and soft shapes everywhere. This type of architecture is the true reflection of softness and delicacy.
The main room is on the ground floor where natural light shines through the stained glass windows. The result is a fabulous ambiance. Gazing at this place shows you how the bourgeoise of that era lived.
Organic architecture is the dominating concept. We are talking about the sinuosity, the plasticity, and the undulations which are the most common components. That’s why learning about the interior design of Casa Batllo is a true experience.
Patio of lights and the interior garden of Casa Batllo

Patio Interior/laramblabarcelona.com
The main purpose of Gaudi is the outstanding contrasts between spaces. Moreover, not only at the structural level but also at the decorative and chromatic level. The patio of lights is a place where blue dominates, generating a feeling of purity and health.
Modernism in architecture emerged with Casa Batllo. To explain, it’s a work that exemplifies original designs and the contrast of colors.
Interior design plays a fundamental role in modernism. That’s why you should become familiar with the interior design of Casa Batllo as a point of reference. It can inspire you when decorating your house.
Today, designs continue under the parameters of the modernist style. Due to its perception and understanding, these have turned into a source of ideas. So it’s essential to learn the decoration formulas and to know where they’re coming from.
In this sense, it’s very important that you understand Casa Batllo as a work of art that combines creativity and quality interior design. Both concepts support one another.
Casa Batllo – the story of an innovative work

Casa Battlo/tiqets.com
Gaudi’s creation was constructed between 1904 and 1906 in the city of Barcelona and was part of the modernist style. Even though there had been a building there before, the change was only in the interior. And these changes were drastic and surprising.
The innovation of this style has influenced Barcelona and other Spanish cities to continue creating works in this style.
The designs that Gaudi created inspired Joseph Battlo, a businessman. Especially impressive is the way that the facades of his buildings project outwards, and the spectacular interiors. Even more, is the diversity of designs from this ordinary architect. One example is the facade, which is symmetric and has ornamentation on the entire surface.
The interior is always important

The facade of Casa Batllo is very attractive. But, the design is much more elaborate on the interior. Especially impressive is the layout of the furniture in relation to the architecture. There is a clear connection between the exterior and the interior.
- The fluidity in the facade is also present in the interior of the building. Not only in the furniture is this true, but also in the interior of the structure. The furniture conserves the aesthetic and the interior where there is also fluidity.
- An important feature is a window on the main floor. Between the stained glass windows and the curves of the arches, we see a large screen of color, light, and a dynamic view. What’s more, curved lines dominate with different whimsical shapes.
- By studying the furniture, you can see the innovation. For example, there are pieces that are totally innovative such as the chairs that are connected at the seat.
- Curves dominate and give a feeling of movement. So it’s as if the structural element were part of the decor. Normally, this is uncommon, since designers tend to use straight and simple lines.
Like you’re in a fantasy

Stained glass windows/barcelonaturisme.com
What you feel upon entering the house is pure magic. That’s to say it’s like being in a fantasy world. It doesn’t even matter from what angle you look at it. For instance, you’re going to find colors, dynamism, and soft shapes everywhere. This type of architecture is the true reflection of softness and delicacy.
The main room is on the ground floor where natural light shines through the stained glass windows. The result is a fabulous ambiance. Gazing at this place shows you how the bourgeoise of that era lived.
Organic architecture is the dominating concept. We are talking about the sinuosity, the plasticity, and the undulations which are the most common components. That’s why learning about the interior design of Casa Batllo is a true experience.
Patio of lights and the interior garden of Casa Batllo

Patio Interior/laramblabarcelona.com
The main purpose of Gaudi is the outstanding contrasts between spaces. Moreover, not only at the structural level but also at the decorative and chromatic level. The patio of lights is a place where blue dominates, generating a feeling of purity and health.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
AA. VV.: Casa Batlló. Gaudí, Triangle Postals, 2003.