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Homemade Insecticides for Your Plants

3 minutes
Get to know these homemade insecticides. Organic and cheap, you can make and use them to discover which one works best for your plants.
Homemade Insecticides for Your Plants
Last update: 12 May, 2022

Did you know that you can make your own homemade insecticides? If you want to understand what’s involved and learn how to do this, we’ll tell you everything you need to know. Forget about buying expensive chemical products that rarely work and that contaminate your plants.

Keep reading, take notes, prepare them yourself and record which ones turn out to be the most effective at protecting your plants from pests.

Prepare your own homemade insecticides

As any self-respecting gardener will know, there’s a specific time of the year when certain plants bloom. During this period its colors are vibrant and, in general, it becomes prettier. However, there’s a negative aspect of this time of year too, and that is, that it’s also the preferred time for pests to thrive.

These pests attack plants in different ways and they can even cause your plants to die. However, applying an insecticide in time will prevent this from happening. So, if you’re a plant lover and want to see your plants bloom, discover these homemade options.

Homemade insecticide: black peppercorns

We expect you’re surprised by this suggestion! Can you really create a homemade insecticide with black pepper? Yes, you can! This is one of the most effective ingredients to combat the pests who like to eat your plants. Black peppercorns are very spicy and are pungent to the point that they annoy pests who’ll try to escape the sensation. As such, when you use peppercorns on or near plants, it’ll deter pests.

When you consider the sensation produced by smelling black pepper, you’ll understand the powerful action it exerts on microorganisms.

Some figure
Black pepper is one of the best homemade insecticides for plants.

Ingredients and equipment:

Ready to try a homemade insecticide made from black peppercorns? Here’s everything you’ll need:

  • Buy or allocate a spray bottle
  • A kitchen sieve
  • Use six to ten chilies (any kind)
  • Two cups of water
  • Last but not least, some black peppercorns


Without a doubt, preparing this homemade insecticide is super easy. To get started follow these instructions:

  • Blend the chilies with one cup of water, and the peppercorns in the spray bottle. Once blended, let it sit overnight so the ingredients settle to the bottom.
  • The next day, use the kitchen sieve to separate the ingredients from the liquid.
  • Once this step is done, place the residue-free liquid back into the spray bottle.
  • Finally, fill the spray bottle with another cup of water and that’s it! Your homemade preparation is ready to use on your plants.

More homemade insecticides

The homemade black peppercorn insecticide is very effective. But if you’re not completely convinced or you’ve tried it and it doesn’t work, we have some other options that are also very simple and easy to prepare.

Sodium bicarbonate

Preparing this homemade insecticide is also easy and it kills a wide variety of pests. To prepare it, take two or three tablespoons of baking soda, put it in a spray bottle, and add water.

Tomato-based insecticides

Some figure
Tomatoes act as a very effective homemade insecticide.

As well as tasting delicious, the common tomato can help you to eradicate annoying pests that attack your plants. Its action is due to the properties of tomatine. This compound is found in the leaves of tomato plants and it acts against insects and different microorganisms.

To make your homemade tomato insecticide, you’ll need some tomato leaves. Crush them and put them in a spray bottle with water. Let the mixture stand for ten hours. Sieve to remove the leaves and then it’s ready to use.

Eggs: another popular homemade insecticide

For this homemade insecticide, you’ll only need the eggshell. Grind the shells until they become powder-like and then spread the powder on the base of the plant. 

Which of these homemade insecticides will you try?

As we mentioned before, knowing how to make homemade insecticides and using them on your plants, will allow you to identify which one works best for you. At the same time, you won’t contaminate the land or water sources, as chemicals often do.

Enjoy pest-free, beautiful, bright, and healthy plants with the help of these homemade insecticides.

Did you know that you can make your own homemade insecticides? If you want to understand what’s involved and learn how to do this, we’ll tell you everything you need to know. Forget about buying expensive chemical products that rarely work and that contaminate your plants.

Keep reading, take notes, prepare them yourself and record which ones turn out to be the most effective at protecting your plants from pests.

Prepare your own homemade insecticides

As any self-respecting gardener will know, there’s a specific time of the year when certain plants bloom. During this period its colors are vibrant and, in general, it becomes prettier. However, there’s a negative aspect of this time of year too, and that is, that it’s also the preferred time for pests to thrive.

These pests attack plants in different ways and they can even cause your plants to die. However, applying an insecticide in time will prevent this from happening. So, if you’re a plant lover and want to see your plants bloom, discover these homemade options.

Homemade insecticide: black peppercorns

We expect you’re surprised by this suggestion! Can you really create a homemade insecticide with black pepper? Yes, you can! This is one of the most effective ingredients to combat the pests who like to eat your plants. Black peppercorns are very spicy and are pungent to the point that they annoy pests who’ll try to escape the sensation. As such, when you use peppercorns on or near plants, it’ll deter pests.

When you consider the sensation produced by smelling black pepper, you’ll understand the powerful action it exerts on microorganisms.

Some figure
Black pepper is one of the best homemade insecticides for plants.

Ingredients and equipment:

Ready to try a homemade insecticide made from black peppercorns? Here’s everything you’ll need:

  • Buy or allocate a spray bottle
  • A kitchen sieve
  • Use six to ten chilies (any kind)
  • Two cups of water
  • Last but not least, some black peppercorns


Without a doubt, preparing this homemade insecticide is super easy. To get started follow these instructions:

  • Blend the chilies with one cup of water, and the peppercorns in the spray bottle. Once blended, let it sit overnight so the ingredients settle to the bottom.
  • The next day, use the kitchen sieve to separate the ingredients from the liquid.
  • Once this step is done, place the residue-free liquid back into the spray bottle.
  • Finally, fill the spray bottle with another cup of water and that’s it! Your homemade preparation is ready to use on your plants.

More homemade insecticides

The homemade black peppercorn insecticide is very effective. But if you’re not completely convinced or you’ve tried it and it doesn’t work, we have some other options that are also very simple and easy to prepare.

Sodium bicarbonate

Preparing this homemade insecticide is also easy and it kills a wide variety of pests. To prepare it, take two or three tablespoons of baking soda, put it in a spray bottle, and add water.

Tomato-based insecticides

Some figure
Tomatoes act as a very effective homemade insecticide.

As well as tasting delicious, the common tomato can help you to eradicate annoying pests that attack your plants. Its action is due to the properties of tomatine. This compound is found in the leaves of tomato plants and it acts against insects and different microorganisms.

To make your homemade tomato insecticide, you’ll need some tomato leaves. Crush them and put them in a spray bottle with water. Let the mixture stand for ten hours. Sieve to remove the leaves and then it’s ready to use.

Eggs: another popular homemade insecticide

For this homemade insecticide, you’ll only need the eggshell. Grind the shells until they become powder-like and then spread the powder on the base of the plant. 

Which of these homemade insecticides will you try?

As we mentioned before, knowing how to make homemade insecticides and using them on your plants, will allow you to identify which one works best for you. At the same time, you won’t contaminate the land or water sources, as chemicals often do.

Enjoy pest-free, beautiful, bright, and healthy plants with the help of these homemade insecticides.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Álvaro Celis, Cristina Mendoza, Marco Pachón, José Cardona, Wilman Delgado, Luis Enrique Cuca. Extractos vegetales utilizados como biocontroladores con énfasis en la familia Piperacea. Una revisión. Agronomía Colombiana 26(1), 97-106, 2008