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Hanging Posters on Bedroom Walls - Yes or No?

4 minutes
Have you found a poster you like, but you're not sure whether to hang it in your bedroom? Are you worried it's going to ruin you walls? Believe it or not, there are lots of ways to decorate your walls with posters without damaging the surface.
Hanging Posters on Bedroom Walls - Yes or No?
Last update: 28 January, 2021

Children and teenagers love to personalize their bedrooms, and create their owner private space. As a result, they need to be able to decorate to reflect their own sense of style. This is often when the question of whether you should allow them to hang posters on their walls arises.

If you’re not sure what the best solution is, you should try to find some middle ground. Come to an agreement, and find a way for your child to decorate their room without damaging the walls.

The most common worry is that the posters will wear the walls and chip the paintwork. They are also the perfect place for dust and dirt to build up over time. In this article, we want to tell you about a few aspects to keep in mind when it comes to deciding whether or not to allow posters in your home.

Hanging posters: yes or no?

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The question of whether or not to hang posters on walls is not uncommon. The first thing you need to remember is that, whether you’re decorating a child’s or adult’s room, there’s no need to ban them outright.

Posters can be used in all kinds of artistic ways. They’re not just pieces of paper you stick straight on the walls. With a little time and effort, they can be transformed into decorative elements that work in harmony with your decor.

From an aesthetic point of view, posters are almost like any other painting. You don’t need to paper the walls with them. Choose the space carefully and hang your poster, either in a frame or in a glass display case (we’ll look at this in more detail later).

The best way to bring your home to life is to decorate the walls.

How can posters damage your walls?

Hanging posters on your walls can have its downsides. While they might look great, and are perfect for reflecting your personality, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind before you hang posters on your walls:

  • Paint damage: whether you use tacks or tape, hanging a poster on a painted wall is almost certainly going to mark or chip your paint.
  • Disrupting the aesthetic harmony: aside from damage to the walls themselves, hanging posters can have a negative impact on the aesthetic harmony in your home. It’s not uncommon for posters to clash with either the colors or the style of the decor.

It’s important to keep these factors in mind when deciding whether or not you want posters in your home. They can disrupt the harmony of your decor, and even create a sense of tension in your space.

How to hang a poster without damaging your walls

But there’s no need to ban posters from your home completely. Believe it or not, there are ways you can hang posters without damaging your walls or ruining your home’s aesthetic.

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  • Firstly, you need to know how to choose the right posters for your walls. By doing this, you can make sure they work in harmony with the rest of the decor. For example, if your walls are painted granite gray, don’t choose a poster that is predominantly yellow in color.
  • You don’t need to use tacks or tape. Not only will they damage your wall, but they can look a bit tacky, so it’s best to avoid them altogether.
  • Instead, place your poster in a frame or glass case. This will give it a more formal look that is aesthetically neater and more refined. Plus, because it’s glass, it’ll be easier to dust and clean.
  • Finally, make a single, small hole in your wall, and hang a hook where you’ll be able to attach your poster. This way, you’ll limit the amount of damage to your walls, make hanging your posters easier, and give them a more polished and refined look.

Follow these steps, and your simple paper poster will be transformed into a beautiful glass panel that is easy to put up and take down. It might take a little more time and effort, but if a thing’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.

– If you can turn decoration into art, your home will always be beautiful. –