Emerald Green, a Soft Color to Use in Your Home

When it comes to emerald green, this color exemplifies perfection. And let’s not forget that when combining it correctly, it can have a presence in any decorative style.
In this case, we’re going to study a color that is truly attractive in the world of interior decorating. As you know, that’s emerald green. Even though not common, we should consider what it can offer to our interior decor.
Because of its beauty, you can use emerald green in any part of the house. You can use it in the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, foyer, etc. It plays an important role in transmitting feelings.
However, the difficulty is figuring out how to combine this color with other colors. Additionally, you’ll need to learn what the main decorative resources are that you can utilize. You need to be aware of what will attract the eye since it’s a color that is pleasing.
Emerald green is a soft and glamorous color

Emerald green is indeed a good fit in elegant environments. It adds a certain glamour and serenity to its surroundings. It connects directly with the feminine world, generating a mix between an alternative and a distinguished look.
In the world of style, emerald green has a major presence and established look, particularly in women’s attire. However, in interior design, it doesn’t play a major role. Despite being an interesting color for decorating rooms.
This color could be described as gentle and refined. It describes the personality of the person who uses it. It also reflects the taste of the person who chooses this color as their favorite for decorating. It shouldn’t dominate the space but can serve as a contrast to the surroundings.
A color that generates serenity and calm.
Where should I use this color?

People may be doubtful about using emerald green in their homes. So they may ask themselves some questions. How do we use it? Where is the best place to use it? Before asking these questions we need to know our objective and how we can attain it. Let’s look at 5 possibilities:
- The living room couch is a key focus in decoration. If we choose emerald green for our sofa, it will be an attractive piece. Not only will it be pleasant and comfortable, but it will convey a soft velvety look with a touch of elegance.
- If you want to use a white or gray table to contrast with green seats, this color is an interesting start to create a chromatic combination. You need to remember the importance of combining resources.
- Curtains are another one of the components that can contrast with the walls. Therefore, they should be a light color. They definitely should not be dark blue or black.
- To give the home a more sophisticated look, frames for mirrors and windows can be emerald green. In the background, it offers a certain touch of nature, being green like plants in the country.
- Emerald green pillows go well with a sofa that’s a neutral tone. They will go even better with light-colored upholstery such as white.
Emerald green walls

If you want to highlight an area with this color, the best use of it is on the walls. You’ll have a focal point and you’ll communicate a feeling of relaxation and glamour, and it will give a classic look.
You have to take into account that emerald green has different gradations. However, the original and dominant form is dark green. Because of this, you must use various tones in your decor and furniture.
For example, a way to directly contrast colors would be to use earth tones, such as wood on the floors. At the same time, you can use pure white with some of the furniture.
Emerald green decorative objects
Without a doubt, some decorative objects can be emerald green. When it comes to vases, it’s a good idea to use this color because they will stand out wherever they are.
Another interesting idea is the use of table lamps, which can have emerald green bases which will transmit serenity and distinction.
Think about decorating with this color. You might be surprised!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Atkins, Caroline:Colorea tu hogar, Londres, Ceac, 2003.