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Do Dark Colors Make Spaces Look Smaller?

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Give darker colors a shot in your home decor. We'll help you get over the myth that claims they make rooms look smaller.
Do Dark Colors Make Spaces Look Smaller?
Last update: 23 December, 2019

Black is one of the hardest colors to use in home decor. Many people are scared to use it because they think it’ll make their rooms look smaller and darker.

But in our post today we want to explain more about dark colors in decor. We also want to show you some ideas to help you use them and nail beautiful, original results.

The truth about dark colors and materials

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People don’t often use dark materials for constructing, furnishing nor decorating their homes. The reason behind it is because they think dark colors can’t create the right decor. In addition, they believe that dark colors make spaces look smaller and darkerBut is this true?

It actually depends on many different factors. It depends on the actual size of a home, the lighting and the volume of the dark elements and more. That being said, the common belief that dark colors can’t work for decor isn’t true.

Later on in our post, we want to show you some examples to prove how beautiful dark materials can be in home decor. You just need to use them tastefully and pair them with other tones that counteract their values.

Adding on, you can even use a completely dark decor for certain rooms. We’ll give you an example later to show you that the result isn’t cold or dark at all.

Effects of dark materials

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So many voices speak against the color black in home decor because of the negative visual effects it can create when used incorrectly. But we’re all for it. We want to vindicate this color by reviewing its qualities.

  • Elegance. Black is synonymous with elegance, prestige, and distinction. If you want to bring those qualities into your home decor, dark colors are a key component. Using them tastefully will create elegance, setting your home apart from the rest.
  • Amplitude. You read that right! Black can also make a room seem bigger because it can lengthen spaces, giving them an endless visual effect. But keep in mind that you have to know how and where to use it in order to pull off that effect.
  • Originality. Earlier in our post, we mentioned how many people avoid using dark colors in their home decor. Thanks to this, they can actually give you original home decor.

Living rooms with dark colors and pops of others

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This beautiful gray and blue living room destroys any argument against dark colors that claims they make rooms seem smaller and darker. Here, you can see many dark elements but the room still seems open and well-lit.

The room works because of these smart decisions and the light-colored wooden floor serves a double function. First, it keeps the room from seeming too dark and second, it matches the brown tones of the other elements which creates visual harmony.

Lastly, you can see pink details that tie up the room’s decor. The picture, pillow and coffee table give the living room joyful, lively and original energy.

Completely black decor

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Earlier in our post, we mentioned that certain spaces give you the option to go completely black— in both materials and furniture. You can see an example of such a space in the image above. You have to work with a diaphanous, open space. Glass walls also help to create a stronger sense of openness.

No matter how dark the materials are, the home can’t look too dark nor small. Open spaces like these give you the complete freedom to use blacks, grays, and blues as you please.

The designers here broke with monotony by changing the colors of the furniture pieces and materials. The result is a modern, minimalist and underground-style gem of a room.