All About Applying Feng Shui in Your Home

You've probably already heard of Feng Shui, but do you know how you could apply it in every part of your house? We'll teach you here!
All About Applying Feng Shui in Your Home

Last update: 11 July, 2020

Feng Shui is an ancient science from China. It studies the way energy enhances harmony in a home depending on its circulation. Without a doubt, applying it can turn your home into a more pleasant place.

As time goes by, professionals in the world of interior design and decoration apply Feng Shui more and more. It’s a very practical and simple way to correctly distribute the space and achieve a more comfortable environment.

Some keys to Feng Shui

Discover some ways this oriental science tells you should organize and decorate each of the rooms in the house.

A spacious hall

The entrance of a home.

The hall is the first thing you see when you go into a house. For that reason, it should a tidy area that leads to a spacious and visually balanced interior.

If your hall is small and dark, you can use mirrors and spotlights to make it look bigger. However, you shouldn’t place them in front of the door since it’s uncomfortable to see your own reflection upon entering the home.

Moreover, it’s very important to keep this area free of obstacles. Not only that but also making sure that the doors and windows aren’t directly facing each other because the energy circulates too quickly. To avoid this, it’s a good idea to use natural plants.

A serene living room

A spacious living room.

This is one of the busiest rooms in the whole house. That’s why it must be very comfortable and cozy. This area should create a sense of peace and tranquility for all family members.

It shouldn’t be illuminated with very intense light. Instead, try installing table or floor lamps. Additionally, keep in mind that the sofas should be placed around a small table without edges and facing doors and windows.

Don’t forget to place the TV in a cabinet that can be closed to hide it when no one’s using it.

If you want, you can also add natural plants, cushions, and paintings in bright colors. You’ll see the great result they give and how pleasant they make the room feel.

Applying Feng Shui in the dining room

Decorate your dining room for spring.

According to Feng Shui, you should have round or oval tables in the dining room. The reason for this is that because the table doesn’t have right angles, it offers a feeling of completeness and favors communication.

If the chairs are rounded, you’ll get a more harmonious atmosphere. It’s very important that you avoid empty corners – don’t hesitate to place plants or small pieces of furniture in them.

An isolated bathroom

An illumniated mirror in a bathroom.

This is the room that should be the most isolated. According to Feng Shui, much of the positive energy that circulates through the house can escape through the drains.

The recommendation is to always keep the door closed and to cover the drains when they’re not in use. The toilet should be as far away from the entrance as possible and always with the lid closed.

Choose bathroom furniture and objects that are easy to clean. On the other hand, it’s vital that the room is well ventilated, with good lighting.

A very simple bedroom


An all-white bedroom, one of the ten out-of-style decor trends.

We have a suggestion for you – adding minimal decorative elements to the master bedroom. This will create an environment that favors rest. Try not to oversaturate this room with decor elements.

Ideally, rest the bed on a solid base so that your head faces north when you’re lying down. The highest item, which is the wardrobe, should be on the left and if you have a vanity unit, place it on the right.

If you can, make the whole bedroom face north. In addition, it’s very important that you can move around the bed without encountering obstacles. Freedom of movement is important to consider!

When an outlet isn’t in use, you should block it. This ensures that the children in the house are safe. It’s not just about decor and energy, it’s also about protecting everyone in the home. 

Regarding the finishes of the room, it’s always better to use natural materials such as wood, wicker, cotton, or linen as they’ll make the room feel light, fresh, and calm.

Practical Feng Shui in the kitchen

A silver kitchen organized by Feng Shui rules.

Place the cooking area away from the sink and facing the front door. This has a specific explanation. Basically, Feng Shui doesn’t allow the cooking area to be placed under windows since fire and air would be in contact.

Another tip is to hide sharp objects in a drawer. Additionally, don’t leave a clock that’s damaged or behind schedule hanging on the wall. According to this ancient science, this doesn’t give out good energy.

Try to choose colors such as gray, cream, and white. Furthermore, add touches in wood since this gives contrast against the metal from accessories and appliances.

You should keep your kitchen organized and tidy at all times. Too many unorganized items can obstruct the view and give a feeling of chaos.

Now that you’re aware of these keys, would you use Feng Shui in your home? What do you think?