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Airing Your House Daily - the Advantages

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Fresh air makes a happy home!
Airing Your House Daily - the Advantages
Last update: 22 September, 2020

To air your home is fundamental for well being and the comfort that we all need. Besides, it allows us to live in an environment that’s healthy and clean.

A stuffy environment can causey our home to be an unhealthy place to be. Now is the time to take advantage of airing your home daily and freshening up the interior in a natural way.

We all know that cleanliness is an indispensable process that we must carry out daily. The main objective is personal well being. Only in this way will you be comfortable and therefore happy.

When and how should you air your home?

Some figure

Ask yourself the following question: When is it best to air my house? Most people tend to do this doing the first part of the day, coinciding with cleaning chores.

The various day to day activities, whether it’s cooking, physical exercise, or the simple act of being in a room, are activities that produce odors that can accumulate.

The ideal is that you have the windows wide open in the morning. In the winter this will allow the cold to come in, but it will be beneficial.

      Airing rooms will help you to feel better personally.

Open these 4 windows daily

Some figure

Hygiene in the home is truly necessary. Good habits even help you to enjoy good mental health. For this reason, we want to specify in detail how to have fresh air in your home. Let’s look at some advantages:

1.The elimination of foul odors that you can do instantly. It’s a way to renew the inside environment and end up with the purification of the atmosphere.

2. We’re continually exhaling carbon dioxide. That’s why, if you ventilate your home daily the quality of air that you breathe will improve. This will facilitate rest at night and help you concentrate better during the day.

3. In part, this helps you to avoid an excess of humidity in your rooms. You shouldn’t forget that you’re continually exhaling vapor and in some places like the bathroom and the kitchen, there is vapor that can harm materials and furniture.

4. The feeling of hygiene and cleanliness helps on an emotional level. This means that psychologically you need to feel comfortable in your house. This way, having renewed air inside produces essential well being.

How to air a home in the city

If you live in the center of a city, close to a factory or a very busy street, contamination and affects your home.

One solution is to ventilate your house as early as possible. You need to take into account that at night there’s no work, just traffic so that pollution is greatly reduced. Due to this situation,  it’s recommended that you get up early, and air the house as soon as possible.

What else should you do?

As we’ve said previously, it’s good to air out the house when cleaning.

At any rate, you must be careful not to produce bad odors. In the bedrooms it’s not a good idea to have shoes there that you wore all day. Also, if we’re going to fry food in the kitchen, it’s best to open the windows. And avoid burning food, etc.

To sum up, it’s important to be aware of all of these details. And fabulous complements are natural aromas or fragrant candles that produce peaceful and pleasant sensations.




To air your home is fundamental for well being and the comfort that we all need. Besides, it allows us to live in an environment that’s healthy and clean.

A stuffy environment can causey our home to be an unhealthy place to be. Now is the time to take advantage of airing your home daily and freshening up the interior in a natural way.

We all know that cleanliness is an indispensable process that we must carry out daily. The main objective is personal well being. Only in this way will you be comfortable and therefore happy.

When and how should you air your home?

Some figure

Ask yourself the following question: When is it best to air my house? Most people tend to do this doing the first part of the day, coinciding with cleaning chores.

The various day to day activities, whether it’s cooking, physical exercise, or the simple act of being in a room, are activities that produce odors that can accumulate.

The ideal is that you have the windows wide open in the morning. In the winter this will allow the cold to come in, but it will be beneficial.

      Airing rooms will help you to feel better personally.

Open these 4 windows daily

Some figure

Hygiene in the home is truly necessary. Good habits even help you to enjoy good mental health. For this reason, we want to specify in detail how to have fresh air in your home. Let’s look at some advantages:

1.The elimination of foul odors that you can do instantly. It’s a way to renew the inside environment and end up with the purification of the atmosphere.

2. We’re continually exhaling carbon dioxide. That’s why, if you ventilate your home daily the quality of air that you breathe will improve. This will facilitate rest at night and help you concentrate better during the day.

3. In part, this helps you to avoid an excess of humidity in your rooms. You shouldn’t forget that you’re continually exhaling vapor and in some places like the bathroom and the kitchen, there is vapor that can harm materials and furniture.

4. The feeling of hygiene and cleanliness helps on an emotional level. This means that psychologically you need to feel comfortable in your house. This way, having renewed air inside produces essential well being.

How to air a home in the city

If you live in the center of a city, close to a factory or a very busy street, contamination and affects your home.

One solution is to ventilate your house as early as possible. You need to take into account that at night there’s no work, just traffic so that pollution is greatly reduced. Due to this situation,  it’s recommended that you get up early, and air the house as soon as possible.

What else should you do?

As we’ve said previously, it’s good to air out the house when cleaning.

At any rate, you must be careful not to produce bad odors. In the bedrooms it’s not a good idea to have shoes there that you wore all day. Also, if we’re going to fry food in the kitchen, it’s best to open the windows. And avoid burning food, etc.

To sum up, it’s important to be aware of all of these details. And fabulous complements are natural aromas or fragrant candles that produce peaceful and pleasant sensations.




All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Greer, Beth: La casa natural: mejora tu salud, tu hogar y el planeta, habitación por habitación, Zenith, 2018.
  • Paz Maroto, José: La contaminación ambiental y sus problemas, Madrid, Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, 1971.