5 Types of Computer Tables

When it comes to equipping an office or a study, we must choose the furniture that best suits our needs. To do this, a general assessment of both the space and how you spend your time must be carried out. Above all, your work area must be comfortable and functional and it’s for this reason that we’re going to discover five types of computer tables.
Sometimes, we limit ourselves to placing our devices in places that don’t adapt to our height or that aren’t appropriate for a working space. The objective is to achieve maximum comfort and personal well-being.
When we choose the wrong furniture for our homes, we find that, in the long term, it tires us and generates discomfort. For this reason, we must choose our resources with consistency, knowing the space where they’ll be located, and being meticulous in understanding our own needs.
1. The basic and simple desk

These days we use the computer continuously. With this device we work, study, socialize, educate and entertain ourselves. You need a desk to support this use–one that meets expectations and is functional.
A particular case is a basic desk, made up of a simple tabletop and four legs. The straight lines predominate at all times and there’s no other auxiliary component; it doesn’t have drawers or complementary spaces.
In this case, we’re talking about a desk that fulfills the mission of supporting the computer and leaves us with space to carry out other tasks. In addition, this option fits into any decorative style.
2. Minimalist style glass computer tables

A trend that’s gained a greater presence in homes is glass tables. They’re elegant and offer a distinguished appearance and are a useful component for home offices. Let’s see some peculiarities typical of this item of furniture:
- The materials that make up the table are glass and chrome-plated steel, with adjustable feet to better adapt the height and facilitate work.
- The external appearance is minimalist, with refined lines and curves. This reflects certain plasticity and simplicity but, at the same time, precision and lightness in shape. Undoubtedly, it’s a very useful and sophisticated piece.
- The resistance and strength of this table mean that it doesn’t suffer from the passage of time. In fact, it perfectly supports the weight of the computer or any other decorative resource that we want to put on top of it, including books, plants, and papers.
- It’s considered a very appropriate option for open and modern spaces.
3. Computer tables with different compartments

When choosing a table for our computer, we usually demand not only a good tabletop and a resistant structure, we also want it to have other compartments. This allows us to organize smaller items and make the space less cluttered and more welcoming.
One of the most popular types of computer tables has drawers and internal spaces to store all kinds of items. They’re really useful for teenage rooms because it’s a way to keep everything together and in one place.
If we want to teach our children about keeping things tidy, this is a good purchase option. In addition, they’re usually made of wood but also have metal structures that provide greater resistance.
4. Mobile tables with wheels

The situation may arise when we want to place the computer in another room. For this case, we can make use of a mobile table that offers efficiency and functionality.
They’re usually made of chromed steel or another metallic material that allows for their movement. The idea is that mobility is fluid and practical. Therefore, it shouldn’t weigh too much and, obviously, it should be comfortable to use.
On the base, we can find a side table that also has other compartments where we can store more items. It can be considered an interesting option for any room, it’s even suitable for working in the living room.
5. Corner computer tables

If we want to arrange a computer table in a corner and take advantage of this redundant angle, we have the possibility of having a desk in two parts.
This provides us with a lot of space and enough surface space to hold all kinds of personal resources.
This is one of the most common computer tables, but you need to have a spare corner to house it. In addition, it’ll enjoy great prominence in decor.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Ventura, Anna: 1000 ideas prácticas en decoración, Universe Publishing, 2003.