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How to Grow Strawberries at Home

5 minutes
Do you want to grow strawberries in your own home? Learn all about planting strawberries - they're super easy to grow at home. All you need is a sunny spot and a good irrigation system.
How to Grow Strawberries at Home
Last update: 01 November, 2018

Keep reading to learn the most important ways to grow strawberries at home. As you’ll see, growing strawberries is a quick and easy process. You shouldn’t come across many problems or issues. The most important thing is that you water your strawberries properly.

Every day more people decide to start growing food at home in search of a healthier diet. It’s also very economical to grow your own food. This is an ideal solution if you’re concerned with preserving the environment. This is why people commit themselves to create real urban gardens or mini gardens in their own home. Try it out yourself!

Here we’ll give you the most important information you need to know about growing strawberries at home. We hope you can use some of it and apply it to your garden!

Grow strawberries with plants or seeds?

The first thing you need to know is that it’s quite easy to plant strawberries. Similar to planting food like mushrooms or cherry tomatoes, you shouldn’t come across many problems. When you start thinking about how to grow strawberries at home, you’ll have to ask yourself a question: do you want to start with plants or seeds?

If you’re a beginner when it comes to gardening, it’s best for you to start with plants. The process of starting with plants is quicker and easier. After buying them, all you have to do is transplant them into whatever pot you’re going to grow them in at home.

Although you can find specific pots to grow strawberries on the market, you can use a normal pot. Don’t let having a pot that wasn’t specifically built for strawberries stop you from growing your own strawberry yield.

In addition, it’s very easy to buy these plants. You’ll find them in any nursery or a store that specializes in gardening. They’re very cheap, and on average you can find them for less than one euro.

On the other hand, if you decide to plant from seed, the process will be a little more expensive. However, it’s still an option that you should consider.

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First of all, you need to know the best time of year to plant strawberries. The ideal time to do this is in late winter or early spring. This is because the days are becoming longer and the temperature is increasing slowly.

In addition, you should plant your strawberries in an area where they’re going to receive a lot of sun. This is the most important thing for growing healthy plants without pests or diseases.

That being said, the area that you plant your strawberries in shouldn’t be too exposed. They should be protected from the elements, such as strong winds or rain. Therefore, you can plant them in a pot and place the pot on a window ledge or on the floor of a balcony. Of course, if there’s a wall on one side you’ll have to rotate the pot every once in a while so that all sides receive the same amount of light.

It’s also a great idea to put your strawberries in a mini-garden if you already have one.

Your strawberry’s soil

As for the soil that you choose for your strawberries, it has to be somewhat acidic. You can always add some compost or fertilizer if you need to. This is something that you would buy at a nursery or a garden store without a problem. You can even find it online. Using fertilizer ensures that your plant will yield a lot of strawberries.

When you finally start working, remember to leave about 20-30 centimeters between each plant. Obviously, this will depend a bit on whether you’ve chosen to use individual or larger, shared pots. Whether the pot is small or large, you should always leave space between the plants. If the pot becomes overcrowded, the plant won’t receive enough sunlight and it will die.

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It’s very important to water your strawberry plant frequently. The earth should always be a little most, but not overly so.

Therefore, it’s essential for you to have a good drainage system. If the plant becomes flooded, it’ll rot. You would end up killing the plant if you don’t replant it.

We recommend drip irrigation to avoid flooding your plants.

Irrigation isn’t only important after planting your strawberries, but also before. When you’re going to transport the seedling, you need to have already moistened the earth. It’s also important that you wet the plant’s roots. After this, transplanting the strawberry plant is a breeze.

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We hope that you’ve found this article useful. The last thing we want to remind you of is that you have to give your strawberry plants some basic care to ensure proper plant development. Remember that it’s easy to grow strawberries. You can plant them in a pot on the floor – you don’t need a farmhouse or a huge orchard.

For example, you should replant the plants about every two years, since they grow less frequently over time. At the end of replanting, we don’t advise that you use the strawberry seeds that you have already grown. It’s better to buy seedlings or new seeds.

One last idea is to keep the strawberries on higher ground to avoid them rotting or being attacked by insects. This is something that you should avoid at all costs. Also, remember that as soon as the strawberries are ripe, you should eat them. They spoil quite quickly. Now you have everything you need to know about how to grow strawberries at home!

Keep reading to learn the most important ways to grow strawberries at home. As you’ll see, growing strawberries is a quick and easy process. You shouldn’t come across many problems or issues. The most important thing is that you water your strawberries properly.

Every day more people decide to start growing food at home in search of a healthier diet. It’s also very economical to grow your own food. This is an ideal solution if you’re concerned with preserving the environment. This is why people commit themselves to create real urban gardens or mini gardens in their own home. Try it out yourself!

Here we’ll give you the most important information you need to know about growing strawberries at home. We hope you can use some of it and apply it to your garden!

Grow strawberries with plants or seeds?

The first thing you need to know is that it’s quite easy to plant strawberries. Similar to planting food like mushrooms or cherry tomatoes, you shouldn’t come across many problems. When you start thinking about how to grow strawberries at home, you’ll have to ask yourself a question: do you want to start with plants or seeds?

If you’re a beginner when it comes to gardening, it’s best for you to start with plants. The process of starting with plants is quicker and easier. After buying them, all you have to do is transplant them into whatever pot you’re going to grow them in at home.

Although you can find specific pots to grow strawberries on the market, you can use a normal pot. Don’t let having a pot that wasn’t specifically built for strawberries stop you from growing your own strawberry yield.

In addition, it’s very easy to buy these plants. You’ll find them in any nursery or a store that specializes in gardening. They’re very cheap, and on average you can find them for less than one euro.

On the other hand, if you decide to plant from seed, the process will be a little more expensive. However, it’s still an option that you should consider.

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First of all, you need to know the best time of year to plant strawberries. The ideal time to do this is in late winter or early spring. This is because the days are becoming longer and the temperature is increasing slowly.

In addition, you should plant your strawberries in an area where they’re going to receive a lot of sun. This is the most important thing for growing healthy plants without pests or diseases.

That being said, the area that you plant your strawberries in shouldn’t be too exposed. They should be protected from the elements, such as strong winds or rain. Therefore, you can plant them in a pot and place the pot on a window ledge or on the floor of a balcony. Of course, if there’s a wall on one side you’ll have to rotate the pot every once in a while so that all sides receive the same amount of light.

It’s also a great idea to put your strawberries in a mini-garden if you already have one.

Your strawberry’s soil

As for the soil that you choose for your strawberries, it has to be somewhat acidic. You can always add some compost or fertilizer if you need to. This is something that you would buy at a nursery or a garden store without a problem. You can even find it online. Using fertilizer ensures that your plant will yield a lot of strawberries.

When you finally start working, remember to leave about 20-30 centimeters between each plant. Obviously, this will depend a bit on whether you’ve chosen to use individual or larger, shared pots. Whether the pot is small or large, you should always leave space between the plants. If the pot becomes overcrowded, the plant won’t receive enough sunlight and it will die.

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It’s very important to water your strawberry plant frequently. The earth should always be a little most, but not overly so.

Therefore, it’s essential for you to have a good drainage system. If the plant becomes flooded, it’ll rot. You would end up killing the plant if you don’t replant it.

We recommend drip irrigation to avoid flooding your plants.

Irrigation isn’t only important after planting your strawberries, but also before. When you’re going to transport the seedling, you need to have already moistened the earth. It’s also important that you wet the plant’s roots. After this, transplanting the strawberry plant is a breeze.

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We hope that you’ve found this article useful. The last thing we want to remind you of is that you have to give your strawberry plants some basic care to ensure proper plant development. Remember that it’s easy to grow strawberries. You can plant them in a pot on the floor – you don’t need a farmhouse or a huge orchard.

For example, you should replant the plants about every two years, since they grow less frequently over time. At the end of replanting, we don’t advise that you use the strawberry seeds that you have already grown. It’s better to buy seedlings or new seeds.

One last idea is to keep the strawberries on higher ground to avoid them rotting or being attacked by insects. This is something that you should avoid at all costs. Also, remember that as soon as the strawberries are ripe, you should eat them. They spoil quite quickly. Now you have everything you need to know about how to grow strawberries at home!