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How to Care For and Prune Trees in Your Garden

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Are you not sure how to care for the trees in your garden? Here's some useful information on how to look after the most common types of trees.
How to Care For and Prune Trees in Your Garden
Last update: 07 June, 2020

Summer is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy some fresh air in your garden. That’s why it’s important to know how to care for and prune trees in your garden, so they stay healthy and you can enjoy them.

There’s nothing better than having a lush and well-kept garden. By creating separate spaces with different plants and flowers, you can enjoy every corner of your garden. Without a doubt, summer is the time to get the most out of your outdoor space.

Planting trees is a natural way to give your garden a finished, scenic, and decorative look. There’s no doubt that gardens with well-kept lawns, flowers, other plants, and different types of trees, can look extremely beautiful.

Why plant trees in your garden?

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There’s nothing more pleasing than to look out your window to see a well-cared for and nurtured garden, full of different kinds of plants and trees. It’s one way to find happiness in everyday things.

A beautiful garden is also a place to spend time with friends, family members, and hold gatherings or parties.

The slim and delicate peach tree

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There are several different types of trees that will help make your garden look beautiful. In addition to producing fruit, trees also play an important role on a visual level. However, there are many aspects of caring for trees that go beyond a simple watering. It’s equally important to ensure they have the right soil, drainage, and are pruned correctly.

One of the most interesting types of trees is the common peach tree, whose scientific name is Prunus Persica. This type of tree is very well suited to a Mediterranean climate, as it needs humidity and mild but not too cold temperatures.

Planting a peach tree is quite simple. You can do this yourself using a peach pit. After sowing, it’s important to water the seed once a week. The best time to prune a peach tree is in the spring when the branches are bare.

Peach trees grow very green leaves and produce warm-colored fruit.

Trees for your garden – apple trees

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Apple trees, whose scientific name is Malus Domestica, grow very quickly and could give your garden a very interesting and idyllic look, especially if your tree produces red apples.

  • There are several varieties of apple trees. Before obtaining any seeds, it’s important to know what type of tree you’d like and to think about what look you want to create in your garden.
  • To grow a healthy apple tree, there are certain steps you’ll need to care for it. Apple trees don’t need much water, but they do need to be pruned in February. When pruning, it’s best to start with the “suckers”, which are large growths that emerge from some parts of the trees’ branches.
  • It’s also important to prune the bare branches and to get rid of any “intruders” that try to eat the fruit, such as worms or ants. The idea is to stop the tree from being damaged or looking disheveled.
  • When apple trees blossom in the spring, they produce beautiful white flowers that can give your garden a very fresh look. Apple trees can become the star of your garden during this season.

Maritime pine tree – bring the mountains to your garden

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The maritime pine tree is otherwise known as Pinus Pinaster. There are several species of this pine tree, but one key thing to remember is that no matter the species, the branches shouldn’t be trimmed back. However, some of the foliage can be trimmed to make the branches lighter.

It’s quite easy to grow pine trees; all you need to do is remove the seeds (pines). After sowing, they usually germinate in early spring, after which you can move them to their final growing spot. It’s best to move them after a couple of months once the plants have reached 10cm in height.

Pine trees can give your home the rural and natural feel it needs.

Pine trees can be planted in various types of soil. Also, one of the benefits of this type of tree is that it adapts very well to mild or cold climates. However, their development can be impaired by humid or very hot conditions.


Summer is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy some fresh air in your garden. That’s why it’s important to know how to care for and prune trees in your garden, so they stay healthy and you can enjoy them.

There’s nothing better than having a lush and well-kept garden. By creating separate spaces with different plants and flowers, you can enjoy every corner of your garden. Without a doubt, summer is the time to get the most out of your outdoor space.

Planting trees is a natural way to give your garden a finished, scenic, and decorative look. There’s no doubt that gardens with well-kept lawns, flowers, other plants, and different types of trees, can look extremely beautiful.

Why plant trees in your garden?

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There’s nothing more pleasing than to look out your window to see a well-cared for and nurtured garden, full of different kinds of plants and trees. It’s one way to find happiness in everyday things.

A beautiful garden is also a place to spend time with friends, family members, and hold gatherings or parties.

The slim and delicate peach tree

Some figure

There are several different types of trees that will help make your garden look beautiful. In addition to producing fruit, trees also play an important role on a visual level. However, there are many aspects of caring for trees that go beyond a simple watering. It’s equally important to ensure they have the right soil, drainage, and are pruned correctly.

One of the most interesting types of trees is the common peach tree, whose scientific name is Prunus Persica. This type of tree is very well suited to a Mediterranean climate, as it needs humidity and mild but not too cold temperatures.

Planting a peach tree is quite simple. You can do this yourself using a peach pit. After sowing, it’s important to water the seed once a week. The best time to prune a peach tree is in the spring when the branches are bare.

Peach trees grow very green leaves and produce warm-colored fruit.

Trees for your garden – apple trees

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Apple trees, whose scientific name is Malus Domestica, grow very quickly and could give your garden a very interesting and idyllic look, especially if your tree produces red apples.

  • There are several varieties of apple trees. Before obtaining any seeds, it’s important to know what type of tree you’d like and to think about what look you want to create in your garden.
  • To grow a healthy apple tree, there are certain steps you’ll need to care for it. Apple trees don’t need much water, but they do need to be pruned in February. When pruning, it’s best to start with the “suckers”, which are large growths that emerge from some parts of the trees’ branches.
  • It’s also important to prune the bare branches and to get rid of any “intruders” that try to eat the fruit, such as worms or ants. The idea is to stop the tree from being damaged or looking disheveled.
  • When apple trees blossom in the spring, they produce beautiful white flowers that can give your garden a very fresh look. Apple trees can become the star of your garden during this season.

Maritime pine tree – bring the mountains to your garden

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The maritime pine tree is otherwise known as Pinus Pinaster. There are several species of this pine tree, but one key thing to remember is that no matter the species, the branches shouldn’t be trimmed back. However, some of the foliage can be trimmed to make the branches lighter.

It’s quite easy to grow pine trees; all you need to do is remove the seeds (pines). After sowing, they usually germinate in early spring, after which you can move them to their final growing spot. It’s best to move them after a couple of months once the plants have reached 10cm in height.

Pine trees can give your home the rural and natural feel it needs.

Pine trees can be planted in various types of soil. Also, one of the benefits of this type of tree is that it adapts very well to mild or cold climates. However, their development can be impaired by humid or very hot conditions.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Prat, Jean-Yves: Poda de todos los árboles frutales, Ediciones Omega, 2008.