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Should You Tackle Home Renovation By Yourself or Hire a Professional?

3 minutes
Something that you might think about before starting a home renovation project is doing it yourself or hiring a professional. We'll explain which projects you can tackle by yourself and others that should be done by professionals.
Should You Tackle Home Renovation By Yourself or Hire a Professional?
Last update: 30 June, 2019

As you think about starting a home renovation project, you might confront some big questions. Among them is deciding whether you should tackle the project yourself or seek professional services.

What are the pros and cons for each option? In our post today, we’ll take a look at the factors to help you make the best decision.

Project objectives and characteristics

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We first want to highlight that neither way is better than the other and that there is no one solution that fits all circumstances. Every situation is different. One of the first things you should analyze is your motive for home improvement.

If you know what your renovation objectives are, you’ll find the right way to carry out your project. Consider how different changing design is from changing the structure.

Once you’ve clarified your motive, you’ll know if your home needs an overall structural change or just certain changes. Defining what your home needs can put you on the right track to determining the complexity of the home project in question.

If your home requires a renovation project and you don’t have any experience in this, professional help might be your best bet. However, it’s not always so obvious in the beginning.

Renovating your home without professional help

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If you have some home improvement experience and consider yourself to be crafty, tackling home projects without professional help could be a viable option.

However, take a moment to think about your skills and experience; remember that you’re risking your own home and finances. Can you really do this?

Accepting the challenge of your home renovation projects can be fun and a way to add a personal touch to your home. But you should clearly understand the ways that it could easily backfire:

  • The challenge of controlling your renovation budget from start to finish. Professionals ask for a fixed bill that prevents any surprise costs. We recommend estimating the final costs.
  • Safety regulations could be lacking. Before diving into procedures that call for chemicals or dangerous tools, learn about safety measures.
  • Home projects can take longer if you have to fit it into your work schedule or if you run into complications. If your home project is urgent, understand that delays could be an issue.

However, in addition to being more convenient than relying on professional services, completing a small home renovation project yourself successfully is possible.

Projects, like changing a door, altering the layout of a certain area or doing basic plumbing, are within the reach of many homeowners. Structural or electrical projects, however, are a bit riskier.

Home projects with professional help

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If your home requires bigger projects, such as foundation changes or tearing down walls, you’re better off hiring professional services. Qualified professionals will make the job more expensive, but in return, they offer risk-free results or peace of mind. If you opt for a professional, take the time to look for a reputable company.

With professional help, you can have on a project that’s well organized into phases.

First, the company will evaluate your home and generate a quote for the entire project. If your home requires a big reform, it might require certain documents such as permits or licences. But the company will take care of the paperwork.

After the preparatory work, the company will begin the actual renovation projects and work towards the estimated deadline, which will likely be already defined in the contract. Considering these pros, hiring professional services makes for a more efficient and comfortable process as the company will work according to agreed terms while offering satisfactory results.

Professional companies also follow safety regulations in home renovation projectsmeaning even less stress from start to finish.
