Comfortably Living in a Clean and Natural Home

Would you like to have a more clean and natural home? By using ecological products and keeping simple routines, you’ll keep your home clean. It won’t be a difficult task, we promise!
Here’s a step by step article to get the best out of your home and keep it clean. Let’s get started!
A clean and natural home – basic tricks
A germ-free kitchen
Use natural products like baking soda, salt, lemon, and vinegar. These will make your cleaning habits more ecological. Just try them out.
For the floor, you can make your own cleaning product. Mix the rind of two lemons with white vinegar, and leave them in a bottle for a week. Strain the mix and add natural liquid soap.
Keep the oven clean by spreading salt over its interiors, even when they’re hot. Peel it off when it cools and you’ll see how it’ll rip the grease off.
Clean the countertops and shelves with a sponge using vinegar, which has disinfecting qualities. Use a damp rag to remove the smell and, lastly, dry the surface well.

A clean bathroom
Try to keep your bathroom clean and shiny. For the tiles and floors, mix two spoons of white shredded soap and one spoonful of alcohol.
You can make an effective abrasive cleaner by mixing the same amount of white vinegar and salt. This works well on faucets, partitions, and mirrors. You’ll see how it quickly gets rid of residues.
Make a toilet cleaner by mixing hot water with half a cup of borax and a few drops of essential oils, like lavender, thyme, and rosemary.
Installing an extractor is a good way to control humidity. Also, plants like ivy or lilies will help you keep humidity at bay.
A clean and natural bedroom
To keep the air fresh, make the best of lavender essence, thyme, or rosemary. Put a few drops of these in a bowl with water and put it above the radiator. It’ll give you a calm feeling.
For the linens, use anti-mite covers and choose fabric made of 100% cotton.
It’s worth noting that less is more. Don’t keep lots of things in the bedroom and put your clothes away in your closet, drawers, etc. Order promotes rest.
Keep the light bulbs dust-free and save money. A dirty light bulb produces 50% less light. Clean bulbs often to make them more efficient.

A well-kept living room
Find the areas where the cold air or the heat escapes because this can use more energy. By keeping this under control, you’ll be helping both the environment and your wallet.
If the windows don’t close, using weather strips is the fastest solution. You can find them in rubber or foam. Before using them, remember to remove the dust and clean it well.
To clean stains on furniture, make a paste with the juice of half a lemon and salt. Place on the stains and let it dry.
An ecofriendly balcony
Take care of your furniture with natural cleaning products. Use borax to keep it safe from fungus and clean it with natural oils. You’ll see how good it looks and how long it lasts.
Collect rainwater in buckets and use it to water your plants or clean. Also, you can make compost using dry leaves and food waste.
A clean and natural laundry room
Wash clothes with natural soap, without acids or allergens. You’ll find this in several forms: flakes, gel, powder, or tablets.
To give new life to a washed-out white fabric, soak it in cold milk for a few hours and dry it in the sun. You’ll be amazed at how good it’ll look afterward.

Use vinegar instead of softener. It’s natural, ecological, and prevents limescale. Dilute it with water to get rid of stains on light fabrics.
Don’t spend too much on detergent. Measure how much you use, depending on how dirty your clothes are, how many clothes you’re washing, and the water hardness. Use short washing cycles, at low temperatures. They’re cheaper and gentler on your clothes.
What do you think? We’re sure you want to start using these tricks because, besides helping you keep a clean and natural home, you’re taking care of the environment.
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- Sci Rep. 2018; 8: 1732. Published online 2018 Jan 29. Antimicrobial activity of apple cider vinegar against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans; downregulating cytokine and microbial protein expression. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18618-x