Using Red to Decorate Children's Bedrooms

In this article, we'll show you some of the best ways to use red to decorate your children's bedrooms. You'll soon discover how important it is to choose the right shade of red, as well as the rest of the color pallet.
Using Red to Decorate Children's Bedrooms

Last update: 28 January, 2021

Red is an unusual choice when it comes to decorating bedrooms, and especially children’s rooms. This bright, vibrant color will fill any room with character, giving it a bold and daring look unlike any other.

There is great beauty in the warmth, strength, and joy of the color red. Symbolically speaking, reds have long been associated with positive emotions. In the Roman Empire, for example, red was commonly associated with wealth. As a result, the robes of emperors and senators were often dyed red.

In China, the color red symbolizes good luck and is often used in decoration. This is why you’ll often see painted red doors and other decorative elements.

Step 1: choosing your perfect red

When you imagine the color red, you probably think of a really strong, intense color. But although red may be bright and eye-catching, there’s really no better color for children’s rooms.

Back in the 1980s, people liked to try to create bold and original decor. It was common to see combinations of red and white, along with other primary colors such as blue and yellow, so that people’s homes would often resemble a Piet Mondrian painting.

Red, white and blue decor.

The more “saturated” a color is, the stronger it is. It’s important to avoid these vibrant tones, instead of going for less saturated colors.

When it comes to using red, we recommend choosing non-spectral tones, that is to say, colors that are somewhere halfway between red and purple. Some of the best-known non-spectral tones are: maroon, cherry, fuchsia, burgundy, magenta, wine, and of course, rose.

Once you have chosen the right tone, it’s important to take the lighting and the size of the room into account. If the room is large and spacious, you can use red to decorate large surfaces, such as the walls. If the room is a little on the small side, however, it’s better to use it on smaller elements and accessories, strategically arranging them so that they don’t overwhelm the space.

It’s best to combine reds with a neutral color pallet. Combining them with colors such as white or beige is always a good choice for children’s rooms. You could also combine it with white, plus a third, contrasting color, such as turquoise.

Step 2: creating balance

Cushions and pillows.

It’s no secret that when it comes to decorating, you need to try to create a sense of harmony between all the different elements if you want to achieve the best possible results. This is even more important when it comes to decorating children’s rooms, as their environment can have a huge impact on their sleep and even their development.

The general rule is: combine reds with a neutral color pallet and try not to go overboard. For example, if you have included red curtains and a red rug, don’t then add more large red elements. Instead, try to incorporate smaller items.

One good option is to decorate all the large surfaces in neutral colors, then add red accessories such as lamps, cushions, toys or clocks.

Step 3: playing with textures

It’s also important to play around with textures. This will stop your children’s bedrooms looking plain, and give them a greater sense of depth. For this task, textiles are your greatest ally: from curtains and blankets to cushions and even the carpet.

Incorporating red textiles helps to add texture and depth.

Combining soft fabrics with more rustic materials will help to create a rich, detailed environment, without it becoming too over the top. You can also create contrast between traditional textiles such as wool, and more industrial fabrics such as cotton and polyester.

At the end of the day, the style you create will depend on your own personal taste, and the room itself. Keep these tips in mind, and start turning your idea into a reality. Though some designs may seem bold and daring on paper, you might find they look truly spectacular in reality.