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Choosing Children's Curtains: Our Top Picks

4 minutes
Children's curtains should have a touch of fantasy and wonder about them, so that your children feel like they're in one of their favorite stories. And let's not forget that they need to be in harmony with the rest of the decor.
Choosing Children's Curtains: Our Top Picks
Last update: 03 November, 2018

Curtains are a great decorative element in interior design. In this article, we will focus on children’s curtains, and show you a few of our favorites.

Curtains are designed to protect our homes from drafts, keep in heat and regulate the light coming into our rooms.

To give rooms a greater feeling of unity, we can choose curtains which match our bed sheets, pillows or cushions. This is a fairly common thing.

Things to keep in mind when it comes to choosing children’s curtains

Firstly, you have to think about the type of material and the color you want.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the color of the walls and furniture. Find children’s curtains which will match these surroundings.

As children grow and change so does the decoration in their bedrooms.

At eight years old, a child will not have the same tastes they did at age four. That’s why, when you choose their curtains, you need to think long-term. That way, you won’t have to change them every year.

Try to avoid children’s curtains decorated with cartoon characters. After a few months, they probably won’t like them anymore and will have completely forgotten about them

We also recommend that you think about the size of the room.

That way, you can choose shorter or longer curtains with greater or lesser visual impact – ie. with more or less decoration- in accordance with the size of the room.

They should be stain-resistant.

You’ll need to choose children’s curtains made of durable material that will tolerate regular washing, especially if you have young children. It’s ideal is to find machine-washable curtains that you won’t need to wash by hand or use any special products on.

The good thing about having patterned curtains is that they will be able to hide stains (to some extent).

If you very young children, try to avoid floor-length curtains if possible, at least for the first few years.

That way, your children won’t trip or get tangled in them, and there’ll be one less obstacle in the room.

The amount of light that enters the room

Curtains help to regulate the amount of light, so the thickness of the fabric you choose will depend on the amount of natural light that enters the room.

Examples of children’s curtains

Next, we’ll show you some different options, so that you have some inspiration when it comes to choosing your curtains.

If you want something more simple, you might want to choose white curtains and add some color.

One way to do this is by using colorful tie-backs.

Another option is to attach small pins at different heights amongst the folds of your curtains. You can use these pins to attach small fabric butterflies (you can also use colored paper), buttons of different shapes and sizes, pompoms…

Some figure

A different color for every curtain

If you’re careful not to overdo it, this can create a really unique look. Ideally, you should choose complementary colors that go well together, so that your decoration will be subtle.

Another option is to choose string rather than fabric curtains.

The downside to these curtains is that children can get tangled in them easily, so we don’t recommend them for very young children.

You can decorate them with pompoms (white or colored), tassels, felt leaves, circles, love hearts…

Some figure

The string used to make these curtains can be all different colors and thicknesses. Leaving string curtains undecorated is another great option as it will give your child’s bedroom a greater feeling of simplicity.

If simple and elegant is what you’re after, you can choose monotone curtains (lighter tones are better) and combine them with a patterned valance and matching tie-backs.

Animal motif patterned curtains

In this case, there are two main types. The first option is to choose patterned children’s curtains which are entirely covered with small animal motifs.

The other option is to choose a curtain with a single, large animal image divided between the two halves of the curtain so that the entire image can only be seen when the curtains are fully closed.

Alternatives to children’s curtains: blinds

Blinds are just as effective as curtains. The main difference between them and curtains is that they have a mechanism which allows you to roll and unroll them.

Some figure

As you’ll have noticed, there are infinite different varieties when it comes to the decoration, fabrics, and shapes, so it’s impossible to talk about them all. They have an important decorative function, which will influence our surroundings and, as a result, our well-being.

Design, and the quality of the design, affects the quality of our lives.

Norman Foster

Curtains are a great decorative element in interior design. In this article, we will focus on children’s curtains, and show you a few of our favorites.

Curtains are designed to protect our homes from drafts, keep in heat and regulate the light coming into our rooms.

To give rooms a greater feeling of unity, we can choose curtains which match our bed sheets, pillows or cushions. This is a fairly common thing.

Things to keep in mind when it comes to choosing children’s curtains

Firstly, you have to think about the type of material and the color you want.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the color of the walls and furniture. Find children’s curtains which will match these surroundings.

As children grow and change so does the decoration in their bedrooms.

At eight years old, a child will not have the same tastes they did at age four. That’s why, when you choose their curtains, you need to think long-term. That way, you won’t have to change them every year.

Try to avoid children’s curtains decorated with cartoon characters. After a few months, they probably won’t like them anymore and will have completely forgotten about them

We also recommend that you think about the size of the room.

That way, you can choose shorter or longer curtains with greater or lesser visual impact – ie. with more or less decoration- in accordance with the size of the room.

They should be stain-resistant.

You’ll need to choose children’s curtains made of durable material that will tolerate regular washing, especially if you have young children. It’s ideal is to find machine-washable curtains that you won’t need to wash by hand or use any special products on.

The good thing about having patterned curtains is that they will be able to hide stains (to some extent).

If you very young children, try to avoid floor-length curtains if possible, at least for the first few years.

That way, your children won’t trip or get tangled in them, and there’ll be one less obstacle in the room.

The amount of light that enters the room

Curtains help to regulate the amount of light, so the thickness of the fabric you choose will depend on the amount of natural light that enters the room.

Examples of children’s curtains

Next, we’ll show you some different options, so that you have some inspiration when it comes to choosing your curtains.

If you want something more simple, you might want to choose white curtains and add some color.

One way to do this is by using colorful tie-backs.

Another option is to attach small pins at different heights amongst the folds of your curtains. You can use these pins to attach small fabric butterflies (you can also use colored paper), buttons of different shapes and sizes, pompoms…

Some figure

A different color for every curtain

If you’re careful not to overdo it, this can create a really unique look. Ideally, you should choose complementary colors that go well together, so that your decoration will be subtle.

Another option is to choose string rather than fabric curtains.

The downside to these curtains is that children can get tangled in them easily, so we don’t recommend them for very young children.

You can decorate them with pompoms (white or colored), tassels, felt leaves, circles, love hearts…

Some figure

The string used to make these curtains can be all different colors and thicknesses. Leaving string curtains undecorated is another great option as it will give your child’s bedroom a greater feeling of simplicity.

If simple and elegant is what you’re after, you can choose monotone curtains (lighter tones are better) and combine them with a patterned valance and matching tie-backs.

Animal motif patterned curtains

In this case, there are two main types. The first option is to choose patterned children’s curtains which are entirely covered with small animal motifs.

The other option is to choose a curtain with a single, large animal image divided between the two halves of the curtain so that the entire image can only be seen when the curtains are fully closed.

Alternatives to children’s curtains: blinds

Blinds are just as effective as curtains. The main difference between them and curtains is that they have a mechanism which allows you to roll and unroll them.

Some figure

As you’ll have noticed, there are infinite different varieties when it comes to the decoration, fabrics, and shapes, so it’s impossible to talk about them all. They have an important decorative function, which will influence our surroundings and, as a result, our well-being.

Design, and the quality of the design, affects the quality of our lives.

Norman Foster