How to Clean the Bathroom Siphon Filter

You brush your teeth, take a shower, and groom yourself in the bathroom. Therefore, dirt can easily accumulate, especially in the internal ducts under the floor. In this article, we’ll explain how to clean the bathroom siphon filter.
Thorough home cleaning provides you with comfort and peace of mind. There’s nothing worse than turning on the faucet and seeing dirty water flow or pulling the chain and the pipes don’t work at full capacity. This causes problems that can personally affect you.
For this reason, you must properly sanitize your water pipes. That way, you avoid blockages that can contaminate your home. Bathroom hygiene is important, both internally and externally.
What is the siphon filter?

The siphon filter is covered by a metal lid situated on the floor of the bathroom. You’ve probably seen it millions of times and not considered what it’s used for. However, it actually plays an important role, so you need to know how it works.
The siphon filter containing the drains. It distributes the water that flows out of the bathroom.
The water is channeled from the toilets to the general downspout. In other words, the siphon filter contains waste water and directs it to the main pipe, pumping it directly to the outside of the house.
The siphon filter is easy to spot. You can find it in the form of a silver cap.
First of all, unclog it
As we’ve already explained, all kinds of waste passes through the siphon filter. Therefore, you must occasionally make sure its still in good condition. It can become saturated, clogged, and damaged, so you need to unclog it.
- The first step is to loosen the screw and remove the cover. You’ll see a dark hole that can emit a bad smell.
- More than likely, you’ll find debris on the surface. This is completely normal. You’ll also see three entrances: one for the sink, the bidet, and the shower.
- Using gloves, clean the residue. The objective is to extract the maximum amount of dirt. Don’t be afraid to insert your fingers into the hole!
- Then, open the faucets to see which pipes are clogged and which ones require intervention. If the water is running properly, then everything is fine.
- If any of the pipes are clogged, try to remove the dirt in the best possible way and apply a drain cleaner.
Learn how to clean the bathroom siphon filter

Sinks and showers don’t drain water well because of the pipes and siphon filter itself. So once again, we emphasize the importance of cleaning the siphon filter.
After confirming that the pipes are clogged, proceed with the general internal cleaning. First thing’s first- eliminate the residue buildup at the bottom: hairs, sponge pieces, dirt, soap, etc.
Put your hand into the pipe and attempt to extract as much as possible. The hard sediment is what causes water backup in the sink, shower, and bidet.
Bathroom hygiene is essential, both inside and outside the pipes.
The final step – cleaning and laying
To reassemble the siphon filter, perform the procedure in the reverse of the way you disassembled it. Mount the rubber with the lower and upper cover. Finally, place the screws back and fix the lid firmly to the floor.
These steps improve the quality of water circulation and prevent clogs. Therefore, proper maintenance is important .
You brush your teeth, take a shower, and groom yourself in the bathroom. Therefore, dirt can easily accumulate, especially in the internal ducts under the floor. In this article, we’ll explain how to clean the bathroom siphon filter.
Thorough home cleaning provides you with comfort and peace of mind. There’s nothing worse than turning on the faucet and seeing dirty water flow or pulling the chain and the pipes don’t work at full capacity. This causes problems that can personally affect you.
For this reason, you must properly sanitize your water pipes. That way, you avoid blockages that can contaminate your home. Bathroom hygiene is important, both internally and externally.
What is the siphon filter?

The siphon filter is covered by a metal lid situated on the floor of the bathroom. You’ve probably seen it millions of times and not considered what it’s used for. However, it actually plays an important role, so you need to know how it works.
The siphon filter containing the drains. It distributes the water that flows out of the bathroom.
The water is channeled from the toilets to the general downspout. In other words, the siphon filter contains waste water and directs it to the main pipe, pumping it directly to the outside of the house.
The siphon filter is easy to spot. You can find it in the form of a silver cap.
First of all, unclog it
As we’ve already explained, all kinds of waste passes through the siphon filter. Therefore, you must occasionally make sure its still in good condition. It can become saturated, clogged, and damaged, so you need to unclog it.
- The first step is to loosen the screw and remove the cover. You’ll see a dark hole that can emit a bad smell.
- More than likely, you’ll find debris on the surface. This is completely normal. You’ll also see three entrances: one for the sink, the bidet, and the shower.
- Using gloves, clean the residue. The objective is to extract the maximum amount of dirt. Don’t be afraid to insert your fingers into the hole!
- Then, open the faucets to see which pipes are clogged and which ones require intervention. If the water is running properly, then everything is fine.
- If any of the pipes are clogged, try to remove the dirt in the best possible way and apply a drain cleaner.
Learn how to clean the bathroom siphon filter

Sinks and showers don’t drain water well because of the pipes and siphon filter itself. So once again, we emphasize the importance of cleaning the siphon filter.
After confirming that the pipes are clogged, proceed with the general internal cleaning. First thing’s first- eliminate the residue buildup at the bottom: hairs, sponge pieces, dirt, soap, etc.
Put your hand into the pipe and attempt to extract as much as possible. The hard sediment is what causes water backup in the sink, shower, and bidet.
Bathroom hygiene is essential, both inside and outside the pipes.
The final step – cleaning and laying
To reassemble the siphon filter, perform the procedure in the reverse of the way you disassembled it. Mount the rubber with the lower and upper cover. Finally, place the screws back and fix the lid firmly to the floor.
These steps improve the quality of water circulation and prevent clogs. Therefore, proper maintenance is important .
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Antúnez Soria, Francisco Martín; Mola Morales, Francisco José: Manipulación y ensamblaje de tuberías, IC Editorial, 2018.